The finished in an hour comment is encouraging, but I still wonder if you could clarify how Streets of Rage 4 navigates the sort of ‘rookie mistakes’ which every modern beat-em-up I’ve played thus far has made:
The finished in an hour comment is encouraging, but I still wonder if you could clarify how Streets of Rage 4 navigates the sort of ‘rookie mistakes’ which every modern beat-em-up I’ve played thus far has made:
What, no love for the Gettleburger?!? 😁 This thing is OP!
Yeah weird, it is almost like the Remake isn't a 1:1 copy of the original game and everyone has already known that for months now or something.
Online games will always have a ton of shitty people. I’m not sure what Riot can actually do for a free-to-play game.
Awww did you get upset that I responded? Go back to OAG and cry about trans people existing
Oh no, people don’t want to be abused in online gaming!!
Looks like you never stopped. Maybe try mentally growing up passed 14 too.
I bounced off of Xcom2 for these reasons, plus it felt like a hateful design philosophy. What I mean by that is I hit missions where they dropped a new enemy on you with no training, no explanation, and this enemy has some wild new attack that undermines your strategy and abilities and you get wiped and have to try it…
Really? That’s the appropriate response? A gaming blog posts something critical of one of your characters (deservedly btw) and your response would be to just not sell your game to that entire country/continent?
At least in the text-only version, you can read it in any voice and just pretend that it’s a speech impediment, rather than fucking baby talk. Personally, I read it in this voice:
Would be nice if “being a relentless dick to the nerdy son” wasn’t the constant recurring bit it is on the old show...
Extremely, profoundly stupid of them to literally just trace over that picture of her. They easily could have used it just as reference and then changed up the wardrobe and facial features a bit so that it wasn’t so clearly her.
Jason wouldn’t let me put together a roast for him so if you refresh the site all day and don’t see one you know who to blame. But since the Kotaku comments are a bastion of freedom and haven’t been turned off yet I’ll share mine here:
Jason was a fearless advocate for making sure we never pulled out punches. One time…
Not true. We get the popcorn without butter. But thanks for telling me what I meant! It helps me better empathize with women when they tell me about how much they hate mansplaining.
No they weren’t. There will always be an audience for theater viewing; no matter how big HD screens get, the experience is impossible to replicate at home (unless you’re rich and can build one of those private screening rooms).
They said TV was going to kill it; they said the VCR was going to kill’s survived…
Makes you wonder just how many copies they printed. And how much of a collector’s item it could become. It kind of makes me want to order a copy for myself just to keep as a collector’s item. XD
I still would have preferred if both examples of “losing the thing which you love most” weren’t “woman thrown from cliff”. I mean, these are stones that represent all aspects of the universe. You’d think that there would be room for metaphor instead of dropping things off a high rock, or at least that someone’s…
“... there are buku blubber butts with enough cash...”
You sound pretty salty. Maybe you should take a vacation. A cruise perhaps