

Extremely true. 

Very true. 

If they can, that would be wonderful. If not, just Gianna will be sufficient. 

Dang. I kind of expected this year to have Kobe on the cover. 

My brother called them all triangle faces because of the way their face would turn angular when looked at from the front. 

Some co-workers and I were discussing Vince yesterday, and I posited this question:

Is he a first ballot Hall of Fame entrant? If so, why? 

Looking back at that video of him from 99 till now in basketball video games, it is astonishing what we took to be good graphics.

Thus far, my wife and I are truly enjoying it. I play it each night while before bed, and she is as caught up in it as I am, making suggestions of things I may have overlooked and comments on things that occur. 

I just want to know if the “right thang” Dennis was looking for was off screen to his left. 

The thing that I am trying to impress upon the black folks on my feeds and timelines that just HAVE to ask about black on black crime, respectability politics, not all whites are bad and the like is this:

Ooh Ooh, Ooh Ooooooooooooooooh! *Moves Adam’s Apple with finger*

Now playing

If for no other reason than the “THAT’S RACIST” soundbite that has endured millions of call outs on Twitter and Facebook, this show is golden in my opinion.

Why the picture that I uploaded didn’t pop up, I’ll never know. 

This is the scene that makes me cry. I adore this song and this kid. My son wanted to be him SO badly. It pleased me to give him the opportunity. 

Next up: Surf Ninjas.