
I never knew I could parry. I don’t know how I missed that. I just kind of waited for him to make a mistake and then I would dart in and slash a bit, and then back up again.

Drat. I missed the deadline. That whomps. 

I’m sitting alone in an office grinning and crying. This is not the way I planned to start my Thursday, but I’ll gladly take it.

Be safe everyone. 

To say that ending happened abruptly would be an understatement.

It felt like we had gotten the bad ending to a video game, and there was no way to change it. 

Now playing

I beg y’all to do one of these for what was literally the weirdest, most sadistic reality game show ever: Solitary.

They had 8 people in separate pods who had to deal with food and sleep deprivation, and then they started doing events that could easily be described as torture. They went until they couldn’t take it

That was dope. I can’t front. 

Every time I think about Detective Pikachu, I immediately get frustrated by one fact that no one ever mentions:

How in the fuck didn’t Justice Smith recognize his dad’s voice? I mean, the first time Pikachu spoke to me in my dad’s voice, we would have had a discussion. 

My wife and I were EXTREMELY close to purchasing a Burgerim franchise in our town.

Reading this, I have to thank my lucky stars that our sales person was such a smarmy dick, and that my new braces wouldn’t allow me to chew the food properly.

Personal favorite.

I have had the same gamertag since 2004, or whenever Halo 2 came out. I’m good with mine. 

My wife and I are on the final episode, and my anxiety is going haywire. 

Your Undertale review made me cry. I felt it so strongly that I sent it to some of my friends to read as well.

I skipped right past the article because I KNEW this would be the first comment that I would see, and you didn’t disappoint me.

Eat a dick, and Merry Christmas. 

Is this the movie that was shot with a single camera view?

As a person who is fluent in withering sarcasm, I find Vicar’s conversations to be frequently hilarious. His interactions with Tyler (I think that is the young fella’s name) are akin to Scar talking to Simba in the Lion King.

Do you have a link that has a year at a discounted price? 

Do you have a link that has a year at a discounted price? 

Now playing

In Guy’s “Piece of My Love” they clearly say “Dumb Bitch”. No one has ever been able to convince me otherwise.

God bless coaches who coach with no ego and no dream of anything but their kids’ improvement, both on the court and off. They are so valued, and yet so easily undervalued at the same time. 

Nigga, please.