
I never thought that I would enjoy croquet until I read this. Thank you for that. 

I’m not sorry for any fallout that will come his way as a result of his absolute wanton ignorance, but I do feel for all of the people at his company who never took the opportunity to tell him off to his face because they are going to go belly up soon.

In an extremely strange coincidence, my cousin graduated from Dimond last year, and she said that the mindset of the parents, coaches, and referees there were always highly suspect, so to hear that parents are trying to body shame these ladies falls right in line with the area.

I blame Monopoly. 

Everyone knows that the pull-out method is spotty, at best. 

I adore this show. It is the purest thing moving on tv right now. 

Sin and Solace is an audio drama about an assassin and his best friend. It’s pretty fetch.

Wonderful! I was hoping to feel overwhelming anger as the computer racks up a 10 play combo six plays in a row again! 

I quit Breath of the Wild at Ganon, and then my son started a game and saved over my save. I will play it again at some point, but to do all of that work again seems tedious.

Boss fights give me anxiety sometimes. 

I always put Victor in the category of Jazz. 

Excellent Rent reference. Stars for that alone. 

Also, can you please ungrey me? 

These all look like names from NFL Blitz: The League. 

And yet, I still can’t have more than 10 people in a text message group. As a youth basketball coach, dealing with parents with joint custody who both demand to be on the text message group makes for a huge headache. 

The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.

“Simone’s got enough gold medals at home, someone get this girl a CROWN.”

Business in Temecula is about to pick up. 

Your mangling of grammar is more egregious to me than what he did, to be honest. 

From his janky ass apology:

“My intent was to offer objectively true information that might help shape conversations and reactions to preventable ways we die. Where I miscalculated was that I genuinely believed the Tweet would be helpful to anyone trying to save lives in America. What I learned from the range of