
Gotta respect a guy who doesn’t kneejerk or flinch, whatever he stands for. Every time he hears yet-another variety of “you’re introducing this to teen girls, you’re promoting sexualization” couched in question form he patiently sits down and finds a civil, neutral way to say “I just make the game.”

Almost as if he regrets that stuff? I’m just saying, a lot of that stuff is from a long time ago. People can change.

If you think you have any moral high-ground after basically calling a random person on the internet a rapist, you don’t.

Sexual situations... Eh, there’s the bathhouse and panty shots, but both are pretty tame and relatively unsexualized for what they are.

You can. . . Kill cops in Grand Theft Auto, Blood Gore Zombies in Resident Evil, Cause mass amounts of terrorist like damage in Uncharted, kill more people in other open world games like Saint’s Row, Watchdog’s Etc, have games where you “play the terrorist”, etc etc. What makes this game different?

^ lol

I know right? When can we get back to the montage of awesome explosions and pedestrian murder sprees from Grand Theft Auto and away from this sick murder crap.

Great interview! I’ve been following this game precisely because it just so damn weird.