Clayton Bigsby

wattba indeed my good man

Right?! Zombie Boyd...Zombie Limehouse!!!! THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS!

Roadhog’s Australian

U mad tim cook?

Maps is inferior to Google in the US bruh

Strong Bird take

Complete closure for 18 months or partial closure for 3?? seems like a no brainer (guessing you transposed the numbers wrong)

Drew or Bust...Make the Deadcast Great Again

“nothing knew”?

Does Marchman really look like a 19th Century Russian Lit professor? Follow up whos got the dog interrupts the deadcast every week?


Counterpoint: South Park does not suck, you do Burneko

That girl in the shades in the background is feelin herself

Does Paul Finebaum have a Finebaum-Con? I didn’t think so. Don’t debase the Sports Papalcy like that Marchman

People like Hydrox?

Why Did the Turkey Stop Being Sacred?


In Drew We Trust

I’ll take the eh condom thing for uhhh 8000