
The liability that these crazy new abortion restrictions have dropped on people has insurers and facilities erring on the “find some other method”. Plenty of cases where the Dr. has stated they don’t want the State coming after their license. Look no farther than the mess with the 10 yr old incest victim where the

I dont think it’s bad to have folks sign a waiver saying they understand if they got pregnant while on the medication it can cause birth defects but it should 100% remain the patients choice. 

There are many many medications that can cause severe birth defects. Some providers require you prove you are on birth control. Some merely have you sign a waiver. This, as a precedent, is concerning as fuck.

Surge is available in the Coke Freestyle machines in fast-food places. I have the Diet Surge all the time.

It’s too much to ask a site to cross reference their articles with their sister sites before posting.  Didn’t you know that?

How did you reconnect? My best friend and I ended our friendship this year after 23+ years. I don’t know what to do. I don’t think anything will change anytime soon and for that change to even start, we need to apologize to one another, but I don’t think now is the right time.

My best friend in the world and I needed to spend a few years not talking to one another because we were legitimately bad for each other’s mental health for a while.


If you’re opening the dishwasher at the end of the cycle to put in the towel, you can just open the dishwasher and let the steam out, no towel required.

Is this even needed? I just open my dishwasher when it’s done, pull all the racks out and by the time everything is cool enough to touch, it’s dry. I call BS on this one and any perceived positive results are likely psychological. Even most of the comments on the TikTok say it doesn’t work.

I lost my older sister 11 years ago, christmas. She was 42 years old. We found her in her bedroom. She had a heart attack while getting ready for work. My father was a wreck for a long time. For a few years, I had to check in with him 2-3x a day. Now it’s only once or twice a day. I still miss her every fucking day.

I was wondering what this YT Scientologist had to do with this. 

‘Accuser one is...Getty Images!!’

The same Jason Lee who “broke the news” on Queen Elizabeth’s death months ago? What are the chances he even has the right names?

I guess we can expect the Venture Bros one to come after, like 2029 maybe.

Anyone know why Adult Swim deleted a whole bunch of shows from their app/website recently? I don’t even mean individual episodes — there’s no mention of (for example) Beef House or The Perfect Women in their list of shows. And if you think those are obscure and maybe nobody cares, look at the some of the stuff they

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Jim Carrey once played him on In Living Color:

Ted Lasso was also created by Bill Lawrence, who also created Scrubs, which starred Pugh’s now ex Zach Braff, who also directed some Ted Lasso episodes.

Yeah, The Compleat Al came out in 1985.  Some things have changed about people’s attitude towards MJ since then.

I hope they get Brooke Shields to play Michael Jackson.