On top of everything else going on in that movie to have Michael Keaton steal every scene he is in is just amazing.
On top of everything else going on in that movie to have Michael Keaton steal every scene he is in is just amazing.
Raising Arizona is my all-time favorite comedy, not in any small part because of the (in many cases tiny) recurring bits. Cage always cockily slapping his ass, then you see him just out of bed in the morning and he absent-mindedly gives it a little pop, for instance. True to form the Coens don’t call attention to any…
I don’t claim to have played a part in many actors’ ‘discoveries’, but her, I honestly do. At one of my first Hollywood jobs, we produced DTV sequels for Dimension and Artisan, low-budget sequels for well-loved horror series.
For #6, I found director Kari Skogland - who today is an in-demand tv director; she directed the entire “Falcon & Winter Soldier” series.
Anything written well, full of nuance and subtle details that add up to a fantastic payoff deserves props.
Running gags, especially ones in the background are the best. Especially the morality fines in Demolition Man. Sure they served a specific purpose at one point, but it really shined when it would randomly go off throughout the rest of the movie.
The Children of the Corn series has had some very high profile actors in it before they got famous. I think Charlize Theron had her debut role on screen in 3 and Naomi Watts was in 4.
Take a look back at the family photo session at Garry’s 100 year birthday.
The best thing about the final payoff of that running gag was at Jerry’s funeral they choose to either put very little or didn’t even bother to put any aging makeup on Christie Brinkley. Even though she should have been about 100 years old.
The running gag of Will and Eva’s marriage befuddling Wahlberg is almost as good as Larry/Jerry/Garry and Gail’s marriage haunting Ben throughout Parks N Rec.
Much like everyone else in The Other Guys she is fantastic in her role and how she interacts with Will Ferrell.
It really was a missed opportunity not having more of Mendes’ F&F character in the endless factory of Fast movies.
I scrolled through this and my main takeaway was that we should all strive to live a life that will be remembered so fondly by so many.
Here’s your article, people. I wonder why it took so long? Look at all these tributes. RIP, Mike.
Every time I deal with a spider I think about the copy of Plants vs Zombies that ended up stuck on Fahey’s office ceiling and wonder if it’s still there.
Think I’ve teared up three times reading this site: Mike’s struggle with gaming addiction, Mike’s story about being in a coma, and today reading this tribute.
This is nuts. I was born in 1979, and I have known who this guy is since about 1986. I have seen Better off Dead many, many times.
Disgusting situation/human being, but award-worthy “Better Off Dead” reference. /kudos :D
He had his slimy octopus testicles all over everyone, didn’t he?
I’m glad he’s not in active use because he would have kept on abusing others, but fuck, the “self enlightened” brand of toxic masculinity that is happening lately is some deep level of delusion.