Jimmie Jones

especially since Britney’s nutjob fans will go after him for anything he says or does.

I don’t know. On principle, not letting the psychotic internet fan base of someone you dated 20 years ago dictate your career decisions seems healthy. 

I mean, to be fair, the 80s were 40 years ago.  What’s the statute of limitations?  ‘cause if it’s forever, eventually we’re just gonna run out of words.

Honestly, his Netflix origin story is pretty fuckin’ dark as it is.

“FACTS (feat. Ben Shapiro)” from right-wing rapper Tom MacDonald

I would love a what if show where he just keeps winning. Kills Daredevil in episode 1, spider-man later on, etc. 

Huh, you know I could swear there’s a movie where he met Private Joker before.

Generally someone speedrunning a game will have played it to death already.

I’ve played pretty much every beta and here’s my opinion:
Core game play is pretty fun, BUT, there’s loads and load and loads and loads of what I hesitate to call “bloat”; things that feel unnecessary but surprisingly deep and fleshed out.
1. Ship building and customization is hella rewarding, which makes the

Slaps is what people say when they don’t really have much interesting to say about music, isn’t it?

The point is that *they* find it fun. Some people enjoy going for long drives, others enjoy racing cars. And if someone speedruns a game, it's very likely that they put more hours into it casually than you or any other regular player ever will lol

They did the never-expire Battlepasses for Halo Infinite and depending on how it’s done, it’s not necessarily a good thing. The amount of time to clear a battlepass for that game was pretty high for my kid (they stopped bothering after realizing they were playing not for fun but to get their quota each day - a

Maybe now Vince will have enough qualifications to run for the Republican presidential nominee!

Vince McMahon is legitimately one of the sleaziest, most disgusting, and most vile people on the planet. And yet, there are legi9ns of people who WORSHIP him. If you ever make the mistake of stumbling into the WWE circle of Twitter, you will see people talking about him like he’s God. He is the sleazy, disgusting God

Okay, and did Superman Lives ever get anywhere close to that far? Weird hill you’re dying on here for a movie that never shot a single frame when there are so many more applicable examples in the last couple of years alone.

Maybe you’re confused about who is stupid here. These things are not the same.

Uh, Superman Lives was in pre-production, but never went into shooting production, let alone was completed. Not a great example.

I agree and I’d like to add, “the fuck?”
