
And I quote:

How convenient. What better way to save face than to blame someone else for your own mistakes. I suppose the choice between God and the US was a difficult one.

Wait!... I thought these guys had the Iphone 5 already... Hehe. ^__^

My fiancé is from Japan and they still smoke a lot over there. She suddenly quit about 6 years ago and hasn't smoked since. My dad did the same about 30 years ago. I know a number of people in fact that successfully quit smoking, cold turkey, so I'm a believer in it. You just have to quit for the right reasons.

Has the quality of their sets improved or something?! If not, problem remains... I've never seen a Vizio TV with a remotely good quality picture. Every time I go to Costco I see a cheap Vizio TV sitting on a cart in returns. It's strange to see them producing a set in a form that is typically reserved for higher

Yeah, work conditions coming to a town near you. The race to the bottom is always justified as being competitive.

Yeah, I began collecting anime in the 80's. IMHO, While things did pick up a lot commercially in the 90's, the anime boom in the states actually started back in the 80's with the popularity of shows like Robotech and Voltron. There was some commercial interest in the syndication of English adaptions of Japanese

I knew someone once whose ass got hot when a particular group of people stared at it. I seem to remember him sweating a lot, for some reason, when he told us that.

This is a myth. While it is possible for this fish to enter a mans urethra, it cannot enter a mans urethra by swimming upwards against his stream of urine. Not only does this fish lack the physical necessities to do this, but it pretty much defies the laws of physics. Nasty little bugger though.

This phone, being an LG phone, indeed makes it, "nothing special" and a phone for dummies.

There's numerous reasons I can think of for going with the eyes in the windshield instead of the headlamps.

This a serious serious step in the right direction. I'm not too sure about the housing for the nib though. I can see the tip of the barrel, just above the nib, by limiting the angle at which the stylus can lean or even obscuring one's view of the onscreen cursor. Also, I'm surprised they didn't go a step further

The similarities between the exterior of this phone and the Iphone line are uncanny. Seems like the similarities would have been obvious to Intel considering that over a half a dozen other people already made the same comment. It's basically a hybrid of the designs for the Iphone 4 and 3. They don't even bother

I'm one of those geeky Hollywood computer animator guys so I hang around some pretty tech savvy people. I don't know of a single peer, Android user or otherwise, that use voice commands features aside from the Iphone 4s guys. And even they have deemed it more of a novelty at the moment.

Yeah, what FalconFour said... Besides, what can possibly happen?!...

WOOHOO!... I'd be instant toast!!!... IN YER FACE SUCKERS!

WOOHOO!... I'd be instant toast!!!... IN YER FACE SUCKERS!

The other big advantage of having a crop sensor vs a full frame for sports photography is that it's cheaper to reach out and touch someone with a crop sensor when you get into the super telephoto range. To get an equivalent FOV on a full frame, it can cost you thousands more for a good fast lens.