
Voice control was around before Android and IOS. It's a rather old feature that few people use. I have it on my old Symbian based Sony in fact.

I agree with this to a point. But my issue is simply not with Disney making 3D versions of previously released classics. In fact, I take issue with all the gimmicky treatments and remakes that Hollywood classics have had to suffer over the last few years. I take issue with the fact that there are still people in

Ahhh Beats... The next Bose. Superior price for inferior hardware. If you build it, they will come. If you brand it, they will buy.

"strongest economy in the nation"

Like some people have already said here, Asians accuse one another of various atrocities from time to time. A lot of it is BS and stems from a superiority complex and racist attitudes. Everyone wants to believe they're better than everyone else, so they demonize, put each other down and call one another DIRTY in

Pfft!... C'mon!... How hard can it be to find a floating island in the sky?

Very well said. I loved your last album too. ^__^

Just a point of caution... Stay away from Linseed oil if you want to keep your home. It's highly combustible at fairly low temperatures.

I think Giz' might be a little bit off the mark with this one. Is the claim that this is indeed a raw photograph?! I read all the articles listed here and I saw the high res version of this image and I don't think that claim was made about this photo on the other two sites. If they did indeed make that claim

I'm sure he'll double up on these for 25 stereoscopic rigs. But still, 25 rigs?! What's he shooting... War and Peace?!

I'm sure he'll double up on these for 25 stereoscopic rigs. But still, 25 rigs?! What's he shooting... War and Peace?!

I do this all the time, no problem. I find that people usually don't take you seriously until you do... up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-b-a-b-a. That get's their attention real fast. Their like putty in your hands then.

What hasn't gotten out yet that my GF and I have been noticing since Friday is the media brown out that's occurring in Japan concerning the damaged nuclear power plants. I don't think western media has picked up on it yet. A lot of friends in Japan started paying attention to western media outlets simply because the

I see some of you guys simply can't appreciate what you're looking at. Yes, a lot of games have lens shading effects and high dynamic range lighting now, but this is definitely a step above the current generation. Keep in mind this is a demo for v3 of the Unreal Engine and how it's intended to be used... In real-time,

Not to mention they posted this story on Gi'z like a year ago already.

It's not just me, a lot of people have been complaining about this online for years. Apparently, it has to do with Microsoft's implementation of HDCP over DVI. It causes windows to compress to 800x600 during switching on a lot of systems. I run all three Operating Systems and Windows 7 is the only one that does not

While I will agree there's a lot of garbage out there, to be honest, I don't know anyone that really expects much from the summer season, really. But I don't think this article was completely fair to Hollywood. While not block busters, there were some very good films last year, Black Swan, True Grit, The King's

Precisely, it's not the cost of making the movie that's preventing this from happening. It's the cost of marketing that's putting a lot of releases out of reach for independent film makers.

I'll consider it a fix if it fixes kvm monitor switching. OSX does it perfectly, Linux... no problem. The problems started with Vista, even though it was never an issue with Windows XP and and ancient Windows NT. I've even heard some companies not upgrading to Windows 7 because this fundamental aspect of Win7 is so

My only question, did they shoot him or something and plant the carcass there just to make this video? I mean, it's dead with blood all over it with no animals in sight at first. And then there's setting up the camera before anything got there to capture the whole process.