
Yeah, so now I'm waiting for the article where some loser describes how Sonic Free Riders saved his marriage. It's the new Twister.

@mexi1010: MikeofLA summed it up nicely. Some of the static you hear on the radio is the result of background radiation from the creation of the universe itself.

Nice styling. Story's okay. But the gags fall pretty flat.

Was that game a new Teddy Boy?!... Even Itunes doesn't have that. Is there nothing Windows Phone 7 can't do.

Now playing

Actually, this is an old song from a hugely successful Japanese pop band called Every Little Thing. This is a cover version of the single, "deatta koro no you ni," which was released way back in 1997. From the looks of this, I think we can all agree that we're a long ways from achieving idol status with current

Now playing

Had that been my daughter, it probably would have went a bit more like this...

Come on guys, you're missing the obivious here.

@LukeDukem: How could they miss running this one against Dueling Banjos.

@metronome49: Hahah, I'm sorry!... I'm referring to the Mac Pro actually. Didn't realize they totally removed the 'G' labeling.

@a_of: For the same obvious reason they're always female.

What's up with the G5s, or G series period? Are they gonna get some real lovin any time soon?

@evilfrog1: The manual that ships with the Famicom has instructions on how to replace the controllers should they break. It involves going in and fiddling around with wires and everything. Not exactly ready for the US 'jackass" market, if you know what I mean.

@fuchikoma: Yeah, I still have my famicom at my parents house. I have a version of Gradius that has that chip in it. Like Gradius 500 or something... I lost count after 3.

It's looking more and more like XMB with every update.

Did they say depression era?! Their throwing down in number 6.

I haven't seen this in a tablet yet but front and back multi-touch is old news.

Japan had 3D phones several years ago. They weren't full color but you didn't need glasses then either. They were actually pretty popular overseas.

Thank God.