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When I lived in Indy, I went to a few Colts games (for free) at Lucas Oil and had a great time, even during the Curtis Painter season. I moved to DC last year and bought a cheap 'Skins ticket on a whim, and hated every moment of it - 90 minute commute there and back, awful drunkass fans, shitty stadium, shitty

We were freaking out because we live in an old building that still has asbestos in the walls, plus we had no idea of our cats personality other than what we had seen at the shelter. For all we knew, he was stuck and dying back there and we were awful cat murderers. Looking back, he probably would have come out on his

Funner Fact: Oscar Robertson grew up in Indiana.

Declawing is also fairly dangerous, especially for very young cats, from what I understand.

I'd recommend checking your apartment for unsecured access panels before bringing your cat home, especially if you live in an apartment. Small enclosed spaces are super enticing to a nervous cat in a new place - we found this out when he crawled into the wall his first night at home.

September 17th, 2009 - "You know, Mr. Polian, I think we'll probably be alright without Baskett."

Business school building, whichever one the MBAs use: (1) Best shitters that $60k/year tuition can buy and (2) Opportunity to noisily fart over the synergy-speak of cocky gel-douches that wear suits to class.