Rara Avis

The gays just won’t with her.

How many times have she and SoundsLikeBeckhamButIsNotHot been on holiday since January?

I’m so sorry, how painful.

Almost every member of the acting profession I’ve ever met - quite a few all told - have been like someone took a properly proportioned adult human and shrank them to child-size while keeping the proportions. They also usually have skin so porcelain that you can see the actual veins in their cheeks. It’s all a bit

So what did you do?

Jeaus tapdancing christ there’s some kind of demon trying to escape from that face. Or perhaps IT.


As soon as you used the word ‘harpies’ you were in the weeds, man.

God I hate that Sanctimonious Mommy shit that boils up online sometimes. She wasn’t talking about YOU, kneejerk momsters. Put the pitchforks down and go make non-GMO hommous or something.

In fact Jezebel readers have bumped THIS piece so stow your stereotyping there, if you would.

Aged 26, has a Porsche, and Daddy does her talking for her. I guarantee it.

I met Kate last year and she didn’t have dead eyes at all, they were lively and warm and she just sparkled.

To be fair, Lakewood was only ever intended to be a TAX shelter.

I’m sorry, but I have no idea what that means.

Personally I very much enjoy Kit’s huge stretch.

Allow me to start your weekend by sharing this with you, from my private collection.