
Instead Grande went to his house and lurked out front and live tweeted about it. That’s just as fucked up and not cool as his actions. This entire thing is messed up and he needs to get help for his BPD and she needs to not turn it into a marketing stunt.

I had 2 girlfriends threaten to kill themselves if I ever broke up with them, one of them ran away and lived in the woods for 2 days when I did break up with her.  I don’t date anymore.

The problem we have discovered is that most professionals will not treat people with BPD. It is too difficult for many. It requires special training and patience that most don’t want to invest.

That doesn’t make it okay. Mental illness is not a “get out of jail free” card. I’m married to someone with BPD. It is the hardest thing I’ve ever dealt with. While I can logically tell myself she is not in control, it doesn’t make the things she says or does any less hurtful. Unfortunately, as you keep saying it is

No, rec’s comment is in no way the equivalent of that. Not even close.

Not at all.

Being mentally I’ll means you aren’t responsible for your behaviour, practically by fucking definition.

Pete Davidson uses his diagnosis to excuse pathological behavior while refusing to make any attempt at change.

It is when you post about wanting to kill yourself first knowing that it’s going to motivate an army of fans and get your ex frantic about your well-being

No it isn’t. Borderline Personality Disorder with Psychopathic Traits is a real and valid diagnosis. Many persons with BPD are manipulative, and threatening suicide is a well-known, abusive manipulation by persons with psychopathy.

Hold on now, it might just be that there’s more than one possibility?

Yeah that’s...not true. Or are we just going to pretend that mentally ill people never have any kind of lucid moments at all? If you hurt people, you still have to take responsibility for it.

Borderline Personality Disorder with Psychopathic Traits is a real diagnosis, and being manipulative would certainly qualify.

Hah! I came here to talk about this and expected to get the villagers and torches treatment. Using a mental health crisis to manipulate people or get attention disgusts me to no end. This is just as important a conversation to have. I’m obsessed with r/relationships and there are too many posts from people who spent

Threatening suicide to manipulate attention is a sign of BPD, the breathless attention from social media and real media isn’t saving a suicidal individual, it’s telling a sick person that their unhealthy behavior will continue to be rewarded. 

He may have done it without thinking. Either way it’s a shitty position to put his ex in.

Cue the bunch of outraged men who either don’t know or don’t want to realize that manipulation by threat of suicide is a common tactic of abusive and manipulative men.

I lived with someone with BPD for 4 years and allowed myself to be abused in every way on every level because of manipulative garbage like this.

Let’s keep in mind that this is actually a common tactic of manipulative guys who want to win their girlfriend back. Pete Davidson has a lot of money and presumably can fall back on many resources if he needs mental health counseling. And yet he chose to deal with it in this way. Pulling an Offset?