
This is the time for us to act like a progressive version of the Tea Party and flood our senators’ offices with strong NO to Sessions, and then NO to all these other extreme right wing picks. We don’t have to suggest who they should vote for; we don’t have to ask them to please listen; we have to tell them that we are

LaToya knows what’s up.

Reality stars in the white house. Who next? The Situation in the situation room? Those weirdo Duggars running Children and Family Services?

I remember her from the first season of civilian Apprentice. Omarosa was arguing with a teammate who, at one point, said, “That’s the pot calling the kettle black.” Omarosa accused the other woman of being racist because...she used the word black? After the episode aired or she was fired, she gave several interviews

MommaKris probably is ready to turn off the money spigot.

He’s mentally ill. And he’s certainly more talented than Beyonce.

Kanye is fucked up but he isn’t talentless.

Maybe Sheesh means the part where he owns a website that is home to some of the most virulent racists and misogynists on earth and brushes it off as “free speech” bullshit?

They also don’t talk about it as if they’re the ONLY PEOPLE EVER to successfully navigate a divorce, co-parenting, and remaining friends with your ex.

Mayonnaise on everything and subjugating brown people.

The DNC nominated the person who got the most votes. By a lot.

If you want to cast aspersions, though, cast aspersions on the people in the Democratic party who were secretly (or not so secretly) hoping for a Trump nomination, because they thought he’d be a walkover.* Cast aspersions on the people inside the Clinton

Well.... President Obama is a Constitutional Law scholar, and a successful politician, and generally a pretty cerebral guy.

Yes, just keep employing those false equivalencies for Obama and Trump.

No, it’s not reasonable to ask women to wear tiny dresses and dance around a rapist who specifically targets women who look like they do.

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s agreement to perform is a major controversy among Mormons. Some say it’s a government event and their performance is a show of support for American government. Others say that it would be one thing to perform at a 4th of July celebration, but its another to perform at the inauguration

The confederacy is a cancer on our nation and it has metastasized. The prognosis is not good. 

Can confirm. An acquaintance is a former rockette. She’s still in touch with several of the current performers and said they’re all pretty upset about it.

I sigh every time I read one of these. Maybe four more years of this, and maybe more than that. I’m just waiting until some prominent woman refuses him something during his presidency and he infers that she’s a lesbian, because you know it’s going to happen.

Nah, I still remember his unfunny rape joke attempt during Hobbit press tour. He’s kinda always seemed like that generic white dude who’s probably a bit of an asshole if you knew ‘im.

Chrissy Teigan is beautiful and witty and eloquent so you shut your mouth.