
I thought it was this Dirtbag was going to cover the latest from Lena Dunham, that she wishes she had an abortion.

Also not supporting fur, but it remains very weird to me how many people are ardently opposed to wearing fur but have no problem whatsoever supporting factory farming.

This is a bad lawsuit and the lawyers involved should feel bad.

Did they ever determine for sure that Mateen’s motivation was intense self-hatred? Haven’t heard much about this in a while.

Similar to the suit against Cinemark after the Aurora shooting, this seems like another case of scuzzy lawyers taking advantage of a tragedy for cash.

So Obama can take our guns.

He’s not wrong. The people who are willing to look past Trump bragging about committing sexual assault because he promised them that The Steel Mill Will Reopen! weren’t going to be dissuaded by him saying “n****r”—in part because so many of them use the word themselves.

Because W. was ignorant and low class but he wasn’t malicious. I’d think most people could tolerate that arrangement because evil is a whole other thing. Trump is all of the above.

My favorite part of the Drumpf Grille piece:

not to be a wang, but minorities have pretty much always been killing it in the arts community. it shouldn’t take a twitter account to make you realize that.

That’s the thing a lot of people don’t understand... it’s not a difference of political opinion anymore, it’s an issue of common human decency. And the republicans have shown that they have none - almost every hill they make a stand on is genuinely about keeping the downtrodden down under the boot of the

Republicans have become a disease.

And if Michelle Obama had refused to live in the White House like Princess Melania is doing, the world would have exploded in 2008.

hooooooolyyyyyyy shit.

This family is disgusting and representative of everything wrong with our legal system. If these people lived in Compton, Brooklyn, or Newark, they would all be in jail, with the kid not getting out until he was stooped and gray.

Let’s not forget that Ivanka vacationed with Putin’s paramour Wendi Deng in August.

So, are we taking bets on what happens next? I’m in a particularly bad and pessimistic mood today, so I’ve got $30 that says this will ultimately change nothing and we have four years of Orange Is The Color Of Rage And Despair to look forward to.

I think there’s a difference, though. The role of ‘first lady’ doesn’t have to be filled by anyone. It’s a thing only because the President lives in the White House and so his family has to, also, to keep everyone together. So the wife took on the traditional role of ‘wife’ but on a grander scale. But there have been

See this is why ivanka is as bad if not worse than the rest of them. She’s dangerous because her perceived softness and good looks lulls you into a false sense of security. Like her father she has no values or principles. She will do anything for power, money and prestige. If Donald doesn’t run in 2020, I wouldn’t be

She is terrible. She’s a beard for bigotry.