
Dear Sir,

Gotta say, it’s a decent scam but if they’d changed it to like a $500 so people wouldn’t be too hard pressed and went through social media profiles and tried to suss out likely cheaters, lol my spell check changed it to sweaters, they could have run a bit longer before they got exposed.

You know, I went and looked it up!

But seriously - if you have an opportunity to insult a decorated war veteran you have to take it, right?

I mean... “literally SO offensive.” lol no. No, it wasn’t. She was doing what many, many models before her have done! But she has a target on her back because she’s a Jennerashian. I think it’s a bigger insult to modeling. Like, wtf are you even modeling?

I can already see where this is going to go wrong (other than the pitch meeting where someone greenlit a Heathers TV reboot). The Heathers were caricatures of weird, wealthy, and white elites, who were nasty and capricious for no good goddamned reason other than other people weren’t as wealthy or white as them. You

SERIOUSLY. By making the movie’s outsiders the Mean Girls, they’re no longer outsiders, and it’s impossible to root for them because they’re the Mean Girls, so... we’re left with conventionally attractive, heteronormative, and socially adept people to root for? WAITAMINNIT.

you go to a junior collenge

“Take me sweet death, for my suffering knows no end”

I hope she gets Spielberg or Kathryn Bigelow to do some special effects of the ceiling breaking. Because what Election Night needs is the celebration of all celebrations and special effects.

“Vote Hillary” is the only political position Weld holds that I agree with.

Memo to Jill Stein voters : Ditto.

I would like to reiterate that some people have stubborn bodies. I know women who run triathlons and eat very well and still have what society considers “fat” on their bodies. Just because eating well and working out worked for you doesn’t mean it’s actually that simple for all body types and metabolisms, and dumping

i like it and you can pry my burrito bowl from my cold dead hands!

Jesmyn Ward’s piece on the “Texas Bama” lyric really puts into perspective how tasteless it is for Amy Schumer to be wearing it on a shirt. (In addition to, you know, the whole fucking video, but this is what I’m specifically going to point out.)


she. was. wearing. filthy. ass. clothes. and lipsynced. almost. every. word.

We looked for 18 months before going overseas again. I can highly recommend it. If you’re under 31, apply for the work-holiday visa. If you’re over 31, go on a travel visa and look for a job — pre register with some recruiting firms, interview with them when you arrive, and connect with the ex-pat community when you

Something like 20% of households on reservations in the US have no access to running water, and that number increases to 40% on the Navajo Reservation. It’s definitely an absolute disgrace.

There are native reserves in Canada that look more like something out of a developing nation than anything. It’s a disgrace.