
The treatment of Native Americans in the US, and in Canada and the rest of the Americas, is just absolutely shameful.

Cardinal sin to ancient historians and classicists...

Cardinal sin to Greeks: confusing ancient Greece with ancient Rome...

My cousin’s second husband was abusing one of her daughters for YEARS and she had no clue. With hindsight, he was also sniffing around my daughter and she and I just thought it was social awkwardness. It’s actually fairly common for people close to a pedophile to not have a clue what they are.

This is so sickening, and so emblematic. White townships rejected the pipeline, so they’re forcing it through the Native’s lands. The police are taking the side of the corporation over the fundamental rights of the people.

Can we talk about the word insufferable? Never in my life have I met someone use it who wasn’t insufferable

I feel like the fact these women are willing to appear with Trump at a time when it’s perfectly clear what a vile shitpile of a human being he is speaks volumes about their character and motivations. I can understand why they’d hate the Clintons if their stories have as much as a grain of truth to them, and I blame

Well, that clinches it. I won’t be voting for Bill Clinton in the 2016 election.

She’s attending Paris Fashion Week, where she knows she will be filmed, photographed, and written about. Part of her brand is being fashionable and she can’t repeat outfits. She wasn’t carrying it all around; she was robbed in her hotel room. It makes sense to me that she would travel with a lot of expensive jewelry

No. That’s a reductive and shameful straw man fallacy.

I have the same reaction. I like her decidedly less since hiring Wasser and Smith. Makes me think she’s out to ruin Brad Pitt.

Ya know, this sort of thinking is exactly why British actors of color feel as though they have to come to the US to even get work. This idea that “English” is equivalent to white is the problem, so that doesn’t even remotely excuse his lack of diversity, especially since he’s a nerd from Los Angeles County.

Also, hello, there WERE people of color in Victorian times, you numbnuts...

I find your comment confusing. LOTR was fifteen years ago, filmed in NZ. Harry Potter had poc characters. People of color existed in England even back in Downton Abbey days.

Especially for a movie whose premise is literally “children from around the world who are peculiar are gathered onto an island for their own protection”. I read the book and as far as I remember all the characters were described as white and European, but there’s zero reason that had to be the case.

mediocre, white people movies

Look, his imagination can only go so far. It can contain a pumpkin king, a headless horseman with a pumpkin head, some other pumpkin things, but that’s where he draws the line. Gourds and squash, yes. People of color, that’s a little too oddball.

Attitudes like this are so fucking disconnected from reality. I have never once watched a film or tv show and thought “huh, this was great, except it was a little too diverse.” I cannot for the life of me understand why directors wouldn’t want to cater to (or at least pay lip service to) the 37% of America that

Remember when this shameless fuck face tried to pass himself off as some kind of middle ground moderate conservative? Me neither. Dip shit belongs in jail.

I think they were upset tha the BLM sign was removed so it wouldn’t be seen on the show. They also state BLM Portland also meets there regularly, and are also reminding people of the historic racism of the Oregon and Portland in particular. Oregon was formed to be a “white utopia”