Nah, this classifies as sexual assault. Sorry ladies, wasn’t diminishing his awfulness. He needs to be stopped. Not funny in the least
Nah, this classifies as sexual assault. Sorry ladies, wasn’t diminishing his awfulness. He needs to be stopped. Not funny in the least
Go with your petty side. #teampetty
I dunno. Some guys are into quality acting, ya know...
looks aren’t everything. perhaps angelina jolie is a pain in the ass? or maybe she is dull or stupid or boring.
That’s true, but that’s why punching upward works and punching down doesn’t.
As expected. Mindy Kaling absolutely hates being dark skinned.
Perhaps, but I really don’t think so.
I happened to catch “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” on TV the other day; I hadn’t seen it in a long time. I was shocked at how much darker Mindy Kaling’s skin was in it, compared to her today. I then saw a few episodes of the first season of the “The Office” just to see if perhaps it was just a difference in the lighting,…
is there another kim kardashian that i dont know about
You actually don’t have to support Trump, or be white, to be anti-Muslim.
Yeah but there's a difference between not knowing someone and supposedly not having an interest in fucking them. Dunham assumed the latter.
This is the perfect response for how much it’s gonna burn her attention-seeking ass up.
I thought Kendall was dating a Cheesecake Factory person??
Gurl, I like how you think except Hiddles was already to old and too broke off for the role.
i am into this, but also idris is way too cool to be friends w her becky ass self.
And pee peeing on childrens, don't forget that.
I’ve noticed nobody wants to hear this.
While Drake might not be all that well liked here, I don’t think it’s fair to call him the nerdier version of a well-documented abhorrent pedophile and sexual predator. Yes Drake is an annoying schlub when it comes to women, but he isn’t marrying teenage girls and creating child pornography.