
Coming up on 4 years and I still haven't found a copy. With all this deep web get anything including hitman BS, you'd think I would find one. TOR just got me lots of overweight swingers **sigh** if any of you find one, put it on daily motion or something besides fascist RUbeTube.

Oh man! I had a commanding officer play this thing to us, 1983 Panama. I'm not kidding, We were an Infantry unit so the CO had demigod rights over us. Plus it beat running around in the hot sun with all that gear. Anyhow, he sat us down in the dayroom. Me, Kevin, Arthur, and Hubie got in big trouble for laughing. I

Now if they can get Neil deGrasse Tyson to re-write it to ditch the infamous Sagan ego driven errors, you'd be on to something. Wait, the widow is involved. Maybe if its on Netflix streaming AND I have seen every single Hawaii 5-0….

ANYTHING by Smashmouth should of been on every list

When visiting sunny Orlando
make sure you visit Casey Anthony's vagina!

the Year before One was an integer
That movie is going to suck so bad that its previews have caused Oort cloud objects to wobble. Newton's defenders traced the orbital anomalies to the trailer being put on DVDs long before the project was finished. The movie's suckatude upon release may force JPL to adjust the

Fool's Gold
That movie cost me my marriage. Well, mostly that movie. The heroin and girlfriends was more a symptom of underlying problems. B8tches, go figure…

A movie made me cry…(menacing pause) ONCE
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. No kidding, hot heavy tears with stinging eyes. OK, 1st/last serious post EVER.

The arrival of the DVD???
Is the DVD out yet? I was hoping some of the 'too artistic' stuff was included. Seeing her scratching the couch, climbing up the curtains at breakneck speeds, and then pissing behind the afore-mentioned couch (sofa in the commentary) would of added so much depth to the inner cat side of her

PS I jumped in here because of the grim sleeper's awesome avatar.

I was oh so geeked about the 're-imagining' of the franchise, gobbling every word. Then I went to the IMDB. Me half-human side threatened to take over as i saw the dreaded words….'Winona Ryder'. Oh, for shame! I know you have to save money for the CGI, but HER???!!!!??? Jaysus, see if Howie Mandel is free, too, while