These are the same people who will tell you in the next breath that the right is universally smarter and better informed than the left.
These are the same people who will tell you in the next breath that the right is universally smarter and better informed than the left.
Does anyone really actually prefer the old infinity engine real-time-but-you-can-pause system? Sure, it’s fine when you’re under level 3 and all you do is just attack and maybe cast magic missile once. But after that it’s utter chaos and I just end up pausing every couple seconds because I’m not an AI that can control…
She literally organized for his campaign before she went into politics for herself. What about that makes her endorsement of the guy who got her into politics a cynical ploy?
I agree. The lack of a minimum wage or workplace safety standards exploits the impoverished, but to legislate those feels paternalistic. The impoverished are just poor, not ignorant, and are perfectly capable of making informed choices. I’m not sure it’s up to “us” to mandate a wage floor or safe working conditions to…
Actually, we know the questions and the answers. We’ve known them for decades. Boxing has always been a sport built on allowing the impoverished an avenue to what they perceive to be wealth and notoriety if only they will beat each other to a pulp for the entertainment of the privileged. Knowing what we know about the…
The entire phrase is “One bad apple spoils the bunch”. Which implies that the bad apples need to go. However, when it comes to police, it has meant “just let the bad apples exist.” Holding them accountable would be the opposite of that.
My main red flag right now is her endorsing the Trump doctrine on military policy by approving his war chest increases.
Brewers fans whining about the replay of Taylor’s HBP miss the point that it didn’t give the Nats a big break, it denied the Brewers a big break. If the ball hadn’t hit anything Taylor would have walked. He deserved to be on first base, and denying him that because the ball hit the handle of the bat while he tried to…
“I have probably never laughed harder than I did just now when I opened a reader email and learned that the troposphere is the lowest level of the earth’s atmosphere. ”
Hemorrhaging power, but not money. That is the kicker. They have no incentive to win and every incentive to lose, because funding doesn’t stop, their jobs don’t go away, and when you are the underdog like that you don’t have to produce results.
Yep. Plus, people forget that Clinton got elected in 1992 in a bad economy, following on the heels of a once-popular but quickly discredited war, and with a strong third-party candidate who took far more votes from the Republicans than he did the Dems. It was literally a once-in-a-lifetime set of circumstances that…
Voters whose votes are determined solely by social conservatism are going to vote for the Republican over the Democrat in Senate and House races ten times out of ten. There is no point trying to win those voters over. Most voters, though, aren’t like that. There is no requirement that elections in red states have to…
And they've been gradually hemorrhaging power ever since. I wonder when they'll realize.
why are you guys like this
It’s the same in this country, saying “I’m not racist, but . . .” makes everything after that Not Racist.
I absolutely agree with you. One of the reasons I mostly play Assassin’s Creed games is that they don’t have boss fights. It’s also one of the reasons I don’t touch Japanese games. I fucking hate boss fights. Hate them. The industry has matured. We don’t need a narrative end with some nonsensical fight against a super…
Boss fights are a relic of an era when players could breeze through games in an evening if there weren’t difficulty bottlenecks every other level or so. There really is no good reason to put them in a game where the main campaign runs twelve hours or longer. They’ve stuck around because of this infantile notion that…
Depp should have no part in anything, ever again. Fuck that guy.