Couple things that are true:
Couple things that are true:
It’s amazing to me that he uses the line of them selling everything they have to come here and make a better life as a bad thing. That’s literally the story everyone proudly tells about their great grandparents from Italy, Ireland, Germany, Poland, etc.
It dawns on my that this murder is not much different than the trayvon martin murder.
Things will continue to stay the same until people realize that police treat this country like a war zone and anyone who isn’t them is an acceptable casualty. There are too many similarities between armed forces and law enforcement, including suicide rates, that indicate a correlation in thought processes. 55 shots…
They gave him three seconds to wake up and figure out what was happening, then comply with them, before shooting him to death.
“Proofread” is one word. Also, while exclamation marks should be used sparingly, if they are used, they should only be used one at a time like any other punctuation mark.
This is a problem Souls-like games occasionally fall into, where the developers crank up the HP of certain bosses and pretend it’s anything but an arbitrary difficulty hike meant to appeal to the inflated egos of the “git gud” crowd. It’s lazy, cheap, and a sorry excuse for actual content. If that’s your cup of tea…
Obama ran (in 2008) as a revolutionary and governed like a Republican. Hillary ran like Obama the Republican and lost. Biden seems willing to make the same mistake.
AKA: “The Boomer Manifesto: Be as short-sided as possible, craft legislation to benefit just them, use everything up as easily as possible, pull up all ladders, cut social safety nets, light it all on fire”.
GRRM stated that he was hoping that they would make two seasons out of book 4 and two more out of book 5, like they did with book 3. They were wise to go the opposite direction, because 4 and 5 are boring and bloated. Think about it: Daenerys gets to Meereen in the second half of book 3. She’s not in book 4, and she…
And how many shows that lasted for 10+ years can you name that maintained a consistent level of quality? And I’m not really sure what you mean by “generational epics,” as only about a year and change has passed in the book series so far.
the problem with this 10 or more seasons thing is that people age, and it’s especially apparent when children age. :P
It’s also not realistic to think that the show was sustainable for 15 years. Aside from interest likely to flag with breaks and such, the cast isn’t going to keep hanging around and their salaries are huge at this point. I don’t agree with all of D&D’s choices, but there was no way this show was sustainable for as…
I dunno. I’m kinda partial “Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?”
Yeah. I really don’t get the argument people are making here. They’re out here seeming to think that playing a From game is like eating the ten pound burger at your local restaurant so you can have the privilege of walking around town in the cheap t-shirt they give you as a prize.
If someone’s sole reason for playing…
If only the Republicans were as excited about the prospect of free and fair elections in the U.S. as they are in Venezuela.
That’s a lot of words you typed to say that they’re spineless. Can’t possibly alienate the lobbying arm of a foreign apartheid regime by.... standing by the principles and members of the party they lead.
She is a well established interviewer. That’s what this was. Then add in her own personal experience and her years of covering this subject. I cant’ think of many tv personalities more qualified to lead this discussion.
Because she has experienced it and spent a good portion of her career interviewing researchers, advocates, victims and abusers. I have a lot of problems with Oprah, but this is one thing she is actually qualified to discuss and has done a lot of advocacy on.
Projection: no longer than halfway through this contract, the NL will have adopted the DH, so Harper will stay.