Nothing about the Witcher makes it a sandbox game.
Nothing about the Witcher makes it a sandbox game.
The parable of the good Samaritan is about a man who helped someone who badly needed help and was being ignored by the people who should have been helping him; this story is literally the polar opposite of the parable, and a stark example of the absolute moral, ethical, and religious bankruptcy of the Republican Party…
To be fair, while Celine Dion met Rene Angelil when she was 12, by all accounts I’ve seen they didn’t form a romantic relationship until she was 20, and married when she was 25. Still pretty icky though.
He dated a 15-year-old when he was twice her age, knocked her up, and married her.
The French judge dropped the charges for lack of evidence, not because he was proven innocent. The accuser is currently pursuing a complaint against the judge in question.
I feel like there’s a miscommunication here. I can’t tell if you’re agreeing with me, or if you completely misunderstood what I wrote.
It’s not a rule, but it’s a lot harder to take away something good that people have than it is to deny it to them in the first place.
Complaining about the Dems getting extreme is just about the dumbest political comment that people make to try to sound smart or moderate. To the extent that Dems have moved left, which is limited to a handful of issues like health care, it is only to the point that is considered centrist and sensible in literally…
Ben Affleck is the kind of guy who reads men’s magazines for sex tips.
“The idea has always been that judges are not supposed to respond to criticisms, but if the courts are being unfairly attacked, the organized bar will come to their defense.” But “if anything,” the justice continued, “they’ve participated to some degree in these attacks.”
Dems are so obsessed with taking the high road that they can’t see that the Republicans on the low road have completely dug it out from under them. There is no high road any longer. All I want out of politics in this lifetime is for Dems to fight back against Republicans in any meaningful way. As things stand, there…
Being a newsmedia talking head is a vastly superior gig to being a senator. Being a senator is only valuable to the extent that you can parlay it into jobs like “newsmedia talking head”, unless you actually care about legislating which Sinema transparently does not.
At some point in the last few decades, probably after Clarence Thomas was confirmed, Republicans clearly realized that they could put literally any activist idealogue weirdo creep on the courts to explicitly do their bidding and there was nothing anyone could do about it. The system has no meaningful recourse for…
It’s not just “inspired” by LOTR, it’s a direct sequel in the Middle Earth setting featuring characters created by Tolkien.
The kid is alive and recovering, so murder/manslaughter are off the table. Attempted murder should absolutely be the charge though.
That’s not at all clear to the sort of people who call trans women “men in dresses”. And “favouritism”? Are you joking?
“The real danger for Democrats would be the Republicans getting their shit together enough to nominate a seemingly moderate Republican like Romney tried to present himself as in 2012.”
No one is trying to force Feinstein to retire. They are loudly pleading with her to do the right thing and retire, or if she is incapable of making that decision (as seems likely), for the people surrounding her to be honest about it so that California can have a badly-needed senator.
None of it is real. They don’t hate or love her, they only love themselves and they hate anyone different from themselves.
Does Pelosi have a greater responsibility to the country, or to her friend? Because if she decides she owes more loyalty to Feinstein than to the people of California and the United States of America in general, then she is also unfit for office.