Mr. Spaceman

Which is more important, Feinstein’s dignity/legacy, or getting shit done for the other 331.89 million people in the country?”

Exactly. Also, it remains to be seen what effect this is going to have on the Republican supermajorities in Tennessee. They’re certainly in no danger of losing their majority, but this has been a major positive development and activation of Democratic activists and voters in the state. Doing this has done nothing

The same places where “stand your ground” is a thing also don’t consider running your car over protesters, especially black or BLM protesters, a crime. That’s the intent, regardless of the letter of the law. Black, BLM, and left-leaning people don’t have any legal right to defend themselves in red states. By the

The whole point of “stand your ground” laws is that (white) people have no obligation to flee or deescalate and can legally just start firing whenever they feel threatened. 

My ex-wife was a conservative political activist/operative starting in high school. A little while after we started dating we were cleaning the basement at her parents’ house when I came across a box of her old politics stuff. I found training material from a conference she went to as a teenager that basically laid

Backlash to the Black president was part of what happened, but the other thing that happened was that almost the entire country, conservative and liberal alike, turned on Bush and his ilk. On the left, that was pretty easy because other than for a brief period of patriotic delusion after 9/11, the left always opposed

Yes, actually. That’s not a good thing. How many copies of Marvel’s best-selling series sell each month?

It’s fine to not like the show. Not everyone who disliked the show did so for racist/sexist/gatekeeping reasons. I’m only talking about the dishonest, bad-faith actors.

Almost no one who gave it an honest chance had those problems. The well was poisoned before it premiered by bad-faith racist and sexist criticisms, as well as the worst kind of lore-purist gatekeeping. There certainly are aspects of the show deserving criticism (I don’t like the driving force of the series being myster

“This time around, we keep hearing about the multiverse, incursions, and Kang, and it’s exactly the kind of shit no one wants to explain to their grandparents on the ride home.”

Wait, you think it was good? Holy shit what did the MCU do to people’s brains?

Major League and A League of Their Own belong in the top four. The Natural belongs in a trash can. I’ve never understood the appeal of that turd. It’s borderline unwatchable.

We need someone to come in and deliver basic sex ed instruction about reproductive anatomy and the process of development from embryo to infant. Just stand there, with big, colorful pictures, and give them the basic information that Republican lawmakers clearly don’t know and have been fighting to prevent anyone else

Smaug and Bilbo’s dialogue is literally the most famous and most important scene in the entire book. He should be long-winded, it’s kind of his thing.

D&D is not the final arbiter of mythical creature taxonomy.

John Robinson is the lawyer for our side. He’s trying to legalize abortion, not ban it.

“Lawyer for the plaintiffs”.

Aw, aren’t you cute. Someday you’ll be able to distinguish between outright theft and fines for illegal behavior. Not today, but someday.

The presumption in a court of law is innocence. That doesn’t preclude intelligent people from forming opinions.

Exactly. You know how nobody has ever paid any price for the torture regime at Guantanamo? Yeah, that’s because half (probably more) of the country saw it as the right thing to do. In a country that believed in justice, everyone who ever worked there, DeSantis included, would be doing time (or swinging at the end of a