Rapture Rising

Oh dear god, that picture is going to haunt me for life.

That bridge in the last screenshot looks a hell of a lot like the bridge that crosses from San Fiero to Las Venturas ( i cant remember what its called)

Could these screenshots be from an upcoming trailer?

Both, i have both a 60' 3D plasma in my lounge room and i have a 46' led LCD also 3D in my games room.

It sucks, it's not in the Australian app store yet.

I personally dont believe anything Half Life related until it comes straight out of Valve but of course Valve would deny the rumor, it would ruin the surprise if the did confirm that if it was revealed it GamesCom.

Hell yeah i would drive one of these.

Wait... why does Slenderman look like he's riding a unicycle?

Seriously now, just let it die, there is no sense in bringing it back up.

Skyrim, yeah that isnt going to happen like most of these games, the only way for some franchises to be on this console is if they make brand new games exclusively for it.

Why Did I Join Twitter? Not a day goes by where i ask myself the same question.

In response to a question about the omission of planes from GTA IV, Rockstar said: "... we simply could not make an environment big enough for planes to work properly. Fear not, they are returning in what is our biggest open world game to date."

There have been few "car porn" photos that made me go "phwoar" there have been fewer still that have made me change my desktop pic.

Considering that they are making it as a "hackable" game console, hopefully the team at XBMC creates a version for it, for $99 it would be a cheap media streaming device that has the ability to play games.

It looks like a video card.

Although, it was fun trying to earn a star, and the crushing disappointment when your literacy magnum opus of a comment is ignored.

Wolf roadkill anyone?

So does that mean a bigger screen gives you a bigger headache?

bah, this isnt lazy enough...

They should have used this, i bought one of these myself, its not an everyday phone cover but it is handy at parties.