Will.I.Am, more like Will.I.Ever.Make.A.Legal.Car.
Will.I.Am, more like Will.I.Ever.Make.A.Legal.Car.
But i am not a Pokemon fan, Thanks to a kid in my 4th grade class, i now loath Pokemon, this kid, if you met him and had to endure him for a whole school year you would probably loath Pokemon as much as i do.
As a car fan, it pains me to see this happen to innocent vehicles.
The way i can tell the value of a game is when i finish the game, do i want to replay the game or will it be forever banished to the great gaming pile never to be touched again.
At first i was like these games dont look that bad, that is until i clicked on the pics and seen the bigger pics.
Ok, it might differ between phone providers, my provider Telstra in Australia says that they quarantine numbers for 2 years once the contract has ended and the user didnt renew, the guy wasn't specific on the reason why but i suppose its to keep stuff like this from happening.
I always thought that phone numbers are put into a quarantine for 2 years before phone companies re use them.
I reckon the Square Enix one looks better.
My Computer has an OEM Nvidia GT 530 card in it and i can run Max Payne 3 at normal level with near on no drops in frame rate, i could possibly bump it up a notch or tweak the settings to give me better graphics but normal setting seems to run pretty smooth for me.
Damn you Ron Jeremy, get away from my boner.
Fingers crossed for Vita/ PS3 cross platform play, i want to play my PS3 games on my Vita dammit, Why show it off and not implement it?
Who am i supposed to side with there when both parties are cocks to an equal degree?
Nope, the Need for Speed franchise is dead to me, Hot Pursuit was a perfect opportunity to be awesome with split screen multiplayer which they actually showed off but they abandoned that feature for the bullshit Autolog feature.
Its probably more sanitary then some guy who has probably been scratching his balls all day.
I cant see this working without a huge lawsuit and a Cease and Desist from Sony.
There is a video that keeps replaying on Discovery Science here in Australia from before 2000 of a guy who created a mono wheel, but the idea of a mono wheel goes back to the 1800's so i seriously doubt that some chinese guy came up with the idea.
The one thing i didnt like about Dead Space 2 is the generic cookie-cutter personality they gave Issac Clark.
Im not that good when it comes to the technical stuff but the blurriness of GTA IV kinda pissed me off at first, but the more i played it the more i didn't notice it.
How about leaving out the ball and chain friends, that would be my biggest complaint,