Jon Blackwell

Unearthly? I would argue this is the MOST earthly sound.

He JUST explained why it's a good idea to use a travel agent, especially for involved flights. I wouldn't used it on a simple domestic flight, but in the future I will use one internationally.

I found that fighting to save $50.00 is not worth it. Last time I did the cheapest flight tricks I wasted 6 hours in the Minnesota Hub waiting for a connection. During that 6 hours I had to waste $40.00 on low grade food and internet access. to save $50.00 I wasted 6 hours and $40.00. The trip I am currently on

Not worth it. Use a travel agent and buy regular tickets. That way you can reschedule them at any time you want without any problems. I am all done being the bargain airfare slave. I will never again run at full speed across an airport to get my connecting flight. They will rebook me on another flight happily

"Well we could just use real strawberries to get strawberry flavor, sir."

@SpudDude: In much the same way that a radiator keeps the whole engine cool (in that it actually doesn't, but it does keep it from overheating). Replace radiator with externally cooled pulse points, and coolant with blood, and there ya go.

@bdinger: I hope you give some of them to your local library. :)