
Oh no - now those 5 people in Australia that wanted one won't be able to get it!

Hey, Gizmodo writers gotta write about SOMETHING!

Wolfram Alpha is one of the sites that is "collaborating" with Apple on this. It's interesting because all these things generally bypass Google search completely.

The only person that's upset about this is the guy that owned the "Quikster" twitter handle.

Read the description. The Big O and the Iron Giant were cited as inspiration, along with that crazy robot dude from Robocop.

Note that you also can't reach the home button on the Galaxy, while you can on the iPhone.

I've seen 500 different "Hitler is angry!" videos on various topics, and this is the first one that's made me laugh out loud in a while.

"The No. 1 reason customers leave or switch" from Sprint is the company's lack of an iPhone, Hesse told an audience at an industry event in September.

People don't have "work" mobile phones given to them by their companies?


I don't even know how it would be great for TouchPad owners, since if Amazon does buy webOS, it's going to pretend like the TouchPad didn't even happen and forge its own path forward. It would be great for people who like webOS.

aaaaaaand DC continues to troll their readers. I think there's going to be a Nelson Muntz-esque "ha-ha!" coming soon.

Are you just trying to troll or was this a serious comment?

Interesting thing to note: Amazon only mentions "Android" once on their Kindle Fire product page ([goo.gl]), and that's "App Store for Android." They do not mention that it is an Android device anywhere else, however.

Sooooo as a single guy... I should move out of DC into NYC?

Lack of evidence?! But it's all right here, in this ancient book about kittens!

The reason a lot of atheists (myself included) get defensive is because we're constantly put in a position where we have to. Every time I mention that I'm an atheist, theists automatically take that to mean that I think they're stupid. As if the very knowledge that I exist somehow threatens their worldview.

Hey, religion of convenience. All of them are. I have Muslim friends who don't specifically eat halal and drink regularly that still mock me for my atheism.

It's basically Internet Forums: The Show.