Now this is pure awesomeness!
Now this is pure awesomeness!
This so called lump is understandable but why dont hdmi cables dont have these ferrite beads?
I do agree on most of your alternatives but i need to disagree with you on antivirus and office suite.
1001219 apps excluding nokia ovi store and the java platform..
Since, when did syrians start speaking japanese?? People will still use i phone as they wont be able to understand if this signboard was put up in Syria!
i agree on that one!
i was looking at the same thing!
@skitz +1! i think it will run on symbian v3 or the latest java..!
That simpson clock is amazing! where can i get one of those??
now suddenly giz is in love with windows phone today! Read all the posts today and you might see this trend..
How to show that im a "PERFECT JERK" just got easier with this fisher price set!
IBM..this sucks! U cant compare few cities and tell they have the worst traffic..i guess u have never driven on mumbai's roads or in Suzhou!
postate? "prostate" #corrections
which, sad!..should be read as "which is sad!"
I know this is not advisable..but when video gets choppy i disable antivirus and firewall for few minutes(im on wired net connection) and i do get increased quality on skype.
If you've your T-mobile coverage at home..
Flyer was great but this jetstream is like any other android tablet out there!
Another reason to ditch yahoo's superfast mail...
If i can somehow get android running on touchpad then i wont mind buying touchpad with maximum sticker price of say 150$..
seriously whats with the random black things on the floor??