
This seems kinda eerie but what happens when the pics of these people are replaced by babies?

Rainmeter looks awesome but frankly for all practical purposes i wouldnt use it..hogs system resources..

I really dont think lion is as bad as the review puts it..

i sent as much invites as i could..

done! :)


looking for an invite?

any generous person out there could u pls mail me an invite?

Once his mate verified that there was indeed an arrow in his face?? :D

nah....even now few devices have such high speed ports..and blowing 50$ with limited functionality is just plain stupidity..

exactly! when u can get something done with less materials, packing the same functionality with many components is just plain inefficient!

now this just shows that gizmodo is full of apple fan boys...........

i guess this modem was secretly designed to call out some aliens out there....damn the noise sounds creepish..!

i love microsoft! google what will u suggest?? :D

yeah! embedded video is slow..dunno why and on gizmodo it sucks pretty much..i watch many lifehacker videos on their official youtube channel..watching video on the site like giz and lifehacker is becoming an ordeal..:P


exactly....why gizmodo hates nokia is still a mystery!


