
I saw "rap" and "Star Trek" together and got a little excited.

Kassidy says reports of her death are great exaggeration
Like a paraphrase from Picard when he escaped assimilation
Kira's waging war on Cardassia, glad to know Damar supports her
Make the Dominion machine stop like a story from E.M. Forster
Weyoun makes an example of Lakarian, radicals come to realize
Who'd follow a

Waiting for the Federation to send a replacement ship
Says this lateness is no way to start a relationship
By special dispensation Sao Paulo is rechristened
And Odo's upset even with his sickness in remission
Used like Yuta on Gatherers as a factor of vengeance
Engineering a virus with genocidal intentions
An ethical lapse

Gowron's messin' up, at least from what I can tell
Sends his men to their death and if they don't die well
It'll be a black matter for the Klingon that led them to it
Martok throws himself into the battle just 'cause he said to do it
Just a commoner or yeoman, comin' from the Ketha Lowlands
Doesn't wanna rock the boat and

Damar thought he'd gain a lot more from taking over Dukat's war
Everything that he fought for just to take orders from Thot Gor
So now Kira and Odo are off to offer assistance
Help an old enemy run the Cardassian resistance
Against Breen weapons, Klingons are the only line of protection
Gowron takes charge of the fleet

Son of a prophet doing some personal reappraising
When he sees himself in the mirror, half man, half amazing
He found a couple hecapates to set up a homestead
Let his hands shape the landscape like he was Frederick Law Olmsted
And Kasidy finds out she's a part of my Dad's plans
When he gets back from searching for Worf in

Garak wants to know the way of stoppin' this
How Bashir's an eternal optimist
Wakes up in his quarters and he knows he's not alone
Running through the hall to catch up to Luther Sloan
Finds Ezri Dax, she says relax
Too late anyway because Sloan covered his tracks
Now in the Bellerophon mess he's attending a reception

O'Brien and Odo don't come back empty-handed
Dad releases the changeling like the constable demanded
Thinks that Odo is denying his true self out of shame
Tells his friends, these solids, they all seem the same
And it's crazy how they just gaze in amazement
As they raze all the forests and phase in the pavement

Ezri's uneasy 'cause there's a killer on the station
Thinks there's another man who can aid investigation
Nestled inside her kinda like a Kurlan Naiskos
Joran always stays close while she's detective in plain clothes
As the shooter strikes again with clinical precision
Got an exographic sensor enhancing his vision
Turns out

Nog's stepping out the airlock and leaning on his cane
They say there's no real pain, it's all in his brain
He's driving me insane, and I insist he escapes our room
Check the night life at Vic's even if it's only a paper moon
Soon he tells his counselor this is where he'd rather be
Live out his life like Captain Pike in

In his quarters Worf receives an unexpected visit from Kor
Complains the Klingon Empire has no place for him in war
Worf instates him as an officer over objections from Martok
Hear him regale them with tales that would dispatch the Dal'Rok
Like Picard being forced to relive a battle by Bok
Starts to imagine that they've

Solok claims the humans are irked by his precision
Thorws down the gauntlet, dad makes a quick decision
Says his team will take them on if they can practice for a minute
Vulcans have strength and smarts, but their hearts just aren't in it
Pulls a few strings to bring Kasidy to the bat
Explains that this rivalry dates back

Coming from Exile on Bourbon Street and dad just wants to see a face
Says he hope we can endure the heat, 'cause Tyree is the place
Comb the desert like the Spaceballs, but you know we ain't found shit
Until Ezri throws his baseball, dad starts digging where it hit
Meantime on DS9, it's another case of Cuban Missile Crisis

In the ward room dad's awarded a medal for valor
Suggests they set off for war at some ungodly hour
But he's warned against this path in dangerous visions
Ross thinks the Prophets shouldn't guide his decisions
Seems that they've trapped him
Choose between being emissary or captain
Puts the fleet first when he picks his

Promise I'm not with the press on our way to Ferenginar,
Shenandoah's in distress before we're getting very far
Rescued by a children's crusade, straight out of the crib
Watters takes a shine to Nog, likes the cut of his jib
Puts him in charge of engineering, the whole kit and kaboodle
Says they can turn Dominion

Dad's gotta convince the Romulans to enter in the war
Committed to a plan, like he was stepping through that door
When the news comes in they lost the battle for Betazed
Abandon the planet like Sarpeidons and A-to-zed
But other times he finds he's unsure of that position
Make a bribe to Quark, his faith in Rules of

I'm back with some rhymes, Bashir is seeking warmer climes
Gonna get away to a conference on Casperia Prime
He's stopped in that ambition, an unexpected inquisition
Sloan badgers the crew, tries to force a guilty admission
Says the Domion had turned him, back during internment
When dad intervenes, Sloan says It's not you

A reversal of fortune like my man Martis Mazur
On trial for crimes against people of Bajor
Dad has doubts about Dukat's mental fitness
But agrees to come along and testify as a witness
Under attack and they crash at some gloomy latitude
Saved dad's life, gotta show the Gul some gratitude
Check the transmitter to make sure

Getting away from their home facility
Helping out computing statistical probability
They interrupt a meeting, say hello to my dad
Saying listen, there it goes again
Buzzing like a Scalosian
Why don't you fix it dear fellow before I go mad
Show infinite diversity in infinite combination
All cancels out like a path integration

Martok and Starfleet spring a trap on the Dominion
If only small victories could bring them away from oblivion
Nevermind a Vorta with a background in creative genetics
Editing my verses with no sense of aesthetics 
Fortune favors the bold, dad urges the admirals to battle
Itching like Autry to get back in the saddle
Even as