
In other healthcare news, remember that global gag order by Cheeto? And that little country by the North sea that would have none of that and Minister Ploumen announced she would look for cooperation with the rest of the world to fill that 600 million gap? almost 200 million has been raised already.

“Anne Frank is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice,” 

Five tweets of #45 is enough to get bowel movement started it doesnt matter whether i sit, stand or squat. The Spice will flow anyways.

Five tweets of #45 is enough to get bowel movement started it doesnt matter whether i sit, stand or squat. The Spice

I was already wondering what Dustin Diamond was up to these days. Now we know.

Well you have to take in account that this was a serious criminal case. What if she was lying? That would mean a mommy on the loose driving around with a suspended license.

Does the word untermenschen ring any historical bell?

I am a 37 year old Dutchman with one son. I grew up in the 1980's, an era where there were protests in Holland against nuclear arms and they were at it’s peak. The Dutch song of this era was “Als de bom valt”, by Doe maar. (When the bomb drops) basically a very defeatist song about how it doesn’t matter what happens

The pulling of the hand and holding on too long is how he thinks he shows dominance. Lie how you show dominance when you are being urinated on. No wait..

So now president Bannon needs to make sure someone from one of the 7 countries perpetrates a muslim terror attack preferably the day before the surpreme court ruling so he can declare martial law and end the world as we know it. False flag in 3, 2, 1....

I know but I teach my son the way I hope we can all be. Not cynical.

I for one find this an awesome ruling. educate, don’t retaliate at minors.

For what it’s worth: my deepest sympathy. I cried a little reading your comment but know things will at the end be allright. Maybe things get worse but your European friends will somehow make this right.

Even better: Let mirror Trump slowly change into Bannon.

When he comes to the Netherlands we’ll let him stick his tiny fingers up our dykes.

Europe woke up this morning to the statement of not covering attacks in France and Belgium and every news outlet’s head is spinning so hard in disbelieve the most don’t even know how to react. EVERY TV station EVERY news paper broadcasted nothing else 24/7 for at least three days in a row, There wasn’t a news paper

Alright, hold the fuck up! When a president signs an order not knowing the exact content but his adviser has put in something that greatly improves his own power within the security council and willfully decides to not tell the president about it then there must be something in your constitution to make sure these

Don’t know if Dutch television is doing this on purpose but for some reason tonight American History X, Misissipi burning and 12 years a slave are being aired. As if they are issuing a warning.

I knew about Douglas because Dave Chapelle spoke about him being the first black guy to set foot in the Whitehouse during the Lincoln adminstration. This was on SNL about a month ago and since 45 watches SNL all the time and I, a 37 year old Dutchman knew, how could the POTUS plus spokesman not know ffs.

Since the list doesn’t include the muslim countries in which he has business interests that would make this a case of conflict of interest. Making it possible to file a lawsuit right? This could boomerang back at cheetolini’s ass way harder than he had bargained for.