
Notable predictions from Stephen A. Smith’s ancestors:

Going 0-for-6 makes Smith kind of like the opposite of Michael Jordan, but to be fair, Michael was pretty bad at gambling too.

He is, however, 6-for-6 when it comes to screaming his predictions in a condescending tone.

The Warriors should have nothing to worry about. George W. Bush once embarrassingly choked in office and he still had another seven years on top.

Personally, I think what makes Skip special is his incredible consistency and longevity. I mean, *pure random chance* would seemingly dictate that at some point he might actually have a correct take about something...but nope. You can’t get that sort of reliability from just anybody.

An all-timer of a play. That’s fucking heat-seeking, he’s out of the frame most of the way. Jesus Christ.

I’m not from Cleveland, I don’t really root for Cleveland, but I find myself very happy for Clevelanders right now.


The Book of Joe, 1:76-98: And lo, the Lord said unto me thou shalt forgive the misdeeds of assistant coaches and players. They may be wicked in heart and in deed but the Lord shalt spare thee so long as 9 or more enemies are defeated on the battlefield each season.

Lombardi 3:16

Zero Sense or Sensibility

Dyed and Prejudice by Emily Austen

It’s true.

UEFA said the name... refers to the super powers the small boy gained when he found a magic cape, boots and ball.

Cavs in 9

Hit garage today.

“Naylor has a reputation of being a bit of a prankster, but this one obviously went a little too far,”

“He must complete a series of tasks with increasing levels of physical exertion, and he must be determined to be symptom free after each task.”
