
Shkreli is sure to get mad respect in prison for his impressive collection of rare MTG cards.

You beat me to the bad joke. I’m so ashamed.

So they Volunteered the payment?

His penalty should be two nights in the (refrigerator) box.

To his credit, the eagle stuck around longer than the typical Dodger fan.

This guy is 38? His approach to life kind of screams mid-20s jagoff.

They’re still shitty.

I go after the low-hanging fruit. Like Draymond.

[Insert Draymond Green joke here.]

He posted two photos? Talk about beating a dead horse...

Having achieved his goal, the exhausted runner exclaimed “Nike!"

That's a lot of money to pay a total asshat. They oughta get their heads checked.

It's a Hail Mary that can't miss! Unless, of course, Tebow's quarterbacking the operation.

On the bright side, it just got a little less stupid.

“the Washington Wizards are just throwing in the towel”

Someone might have reminded Jefferson that this is the summer of "max contracts for everyone."

Sad. She was and is an icon. After Summit, it's all down hill from here.

Holy shit. It is him!

Pictures or it didn’t happen.