Raphael Jarvis Sloan

More Tales of games! Id also like to see at the very least a spiritual sucessor to Legend of the Dragoon, complete with battle system!

I thought that the demo was pretty cool, leave it to the gaming community to ruin it and complain it sucks. This is why user reviews are useless, because there always plenty of negative nancys to post something bad.

I didn't hesitate to blast him!

Yusuke420 is a combo of my two favorite things, Yu Yu Hakusho and marijuana. It has been my gamertag for 7 years and with some luck I'll take it into next gen

So you are just a self centered twat then? This world works better when we all work together dim-wit...

So you are just a self centered twat then? This world works better when we all work together dim-wit...

You mean there's another way to do it?

So done giving a fuck what other people do with their children, has nothing to do with me, let um watch porn for all care! NONE OF MY BUSINESS!!!

"The price is too damn high!"

Awesome news, a come back to the top is in order for Square Enix.

Awesome news, a come back to the top is in order for Square Enix.

Ah TOR I knew you were too good to be true.

The death of Nintendo has been predicted for years, at this point it is just noise that means nothing...

Good lord they are making it impossible to choose between the Vita and the 3DS.

My only comment is fuck you, Riddick is awesome!

I can imagine a drone dropping off a package at my house. It would be god tier delivery service that could cut down wait time to hours. Sign me up!

Damn ease back on the concessions bro, junk food is bad for you...

It really was an amazing performance! That expression on his lips is bad as...

If only dumb bastards like yourself saw it in theaters we would have a sequel on the table. Why did you pass on this movie? Go buy it on blu ray to fucking redeem yourself!