Raphael Jarvis Sloan

Glad I preordered the collectors edition! Leave it to Rockstar to close this console generation with what looks to be their greatest masterpiece.

It's a classic and thus can be referenced at anytime, for any reason

Love the documentary, as for the haters, get a life then you won't spend so much time trying to police other people.

Been wanting a 3DS for some time, this is the final push I needed. Extra shifts here I come!

I'm the shit talker, but its all in fun! If you have ever played Madden in a room full of people with cash on the line you would understand that getting a mental edge is an important aspect.

Yeah this is still my dream car

awesome news can't wait to play it...

Too many special edition coming out within weeks of each other that I want. First it was Splinter Cell with it's awesome RC Plane, then Rockstar finally annouced it's special edition and it was amazing, now we have this and all three come out within a month of each other. I'm going to be totally broke ><...


People are too stupid to fully understand all the things this product offers. This is surprising to no one. It sounds great to me and I'm down for day one.

Can't wait to buy this!

This picture of misty certainly summons boyhood memories!

Not really sure about the point this article is trying to make. Could anyone provide some clarity?

My body is READY!

Yep, it's a classic theme song for a classic game franchise!

My fiance and I and getting married in a court house next wed. on the 13th! I can't wait as we have already been together for four years in much the same way as husbands and wife.

Yeah I want this moment of my life back...ugh!

As seen by this post I don't mind not being anonymous. It would be great if everyone didn't have something to hide!

They are going for like 500 on amazon right now.

I don't worry about it! I just smoke every now and then and avoid the cops as best as I can. Once Colorado and Washington have success with their legislation (Maine and Florida might follow soon) we'll never have to speak to each other because I can enjoy in peace!