
Spider-Man is probably my favourite too. It's interesting though, his powers are probably some of the blandest, and most irrelevant to his character out of any popular superheroes. So while he's my favourite, and I think he does embody the everyman archetype perfectly, I'm not sure he's the best superhero.

I too am one of those few.

That show made me an Ant-Man fan. I haven't seen it in a while, but at the time a pacifist superhero really struck. And I thought all of the Yellowjacket stuff was so cool that when I saw how confusing it was in the comics I was disappointed.

Surely it's definitely worse. Placing the characters into the main continuity has far more longevity and reach then placing the characters into some self-contained miniseries.

Can we do the same for 1610-Kitty Pryde? I have a strange obsession with that character.

If anyone haven't watched past the first season, I think although it's still flawed the dialogue is genuinely about ten times better once it reaches the second season. If you're interested but put off by the beginning, it's may be worth skipping the first season altogether.

Your descriptions have just made me really sad again we never got more than two seasons.

Just popping in to agree with the 2003 and/or Leonardo praise.

Yeah, that's what I was getting at.

This so much. Except I think most of my friends don't really care, so I just have those conversations in my head and I still can't make it concise and with any sort of point.

I know, what the fuck? Isn't revisionism literally the point of a remake?

I will fight you over Leonardo.
And my name is Raphael.

In all fairness it was over an hour and really boring.

I liked Apocalypse too, and I don't really know why. I actually enjoyed him, the one-note world domination villain that I'm always saying I want less of, a lot more than Magneto, who I thought jumped the shark by feeling very familiar.

(I'm very emotionally fragile about this)

Those TMNT Ultimate Collections IDW did for the Eastman and Laird stuff are great. Gigantic art and really cool anecdotes about every issue from both of them. My favourites include: the shredder being created as a dude with a bunch of cheese graters on him who was of course called 'The Grater' and the cover that they

A bit late, but I really like the end of Whedon and Cassaday's run on X-Men. It's been a while since I read it so I won't try say something specific, but there were a lot of great moments there.

Exactly. We can't let just sit back and let people be happy darn it!

I think I'm sort of that audience? I think saying 'if they were novels…' is unfair because the artist's visual interpretation changes the work. I haven't read too many of them though to be honest, and after reading Blankets I can definitely conceptualise what you mean.

Yeah, that's pretty much exactly how I feel. Right down to the woman that makes you feel part of your library copy had pages ripped out you hadn't noticed because she is such a void of characterisation and the evangelical attitude I have with giving this comic shit because I feel guilty about the praise it gets.