No love for the ultra high performance Rampage?!
No love for the ultra high performance Rampage?!
I was just looking at 190Es with an engine transplant in mind!
This clearly calls for two cars. $10,000 will buy you a very nice crew cab truck with maybe a 100K on it, a big work & family vehicle in the prime of its life with minimal depreciation and 10 reliable years left in it. $5,000 will get you a crazy fun older Miata for weekends and escapes. And you still have $5K left…
I think trucks are the opposite of car guys cars. Outside of off-roaders, is there anyone who buys a truck to actually drive it? Everyone I know who owns a personal use truck basically uses it to commute in traffic. They are rolling living rooms with big cabins for cup-holders and storing the general crap that builds…
These are children not adults, that are being kept in a desert internment camp without legal representation and have no means to contact their relatives. They actually have toddlers representing themselves at asylum trials. So by your reasoning, if they flee a country where they might be killed, and we only rape and…
I have a friend with a 2017 BMW M2 - his wife bought a bolt and he said after a few weeks they all but quit driving the BMW. He didn’t go into much detail but obviously they really like it...
I saw the ad for this earlier in the week and nearly went to look at it!
In the 1990s I bought a beat up 1981 RX7 as a second car, a toy so I could learn about rotary engines and learn to do basic bodywork.. I wound up daily driving it for 3 years, even moved from the midwest to west coast in it. I loved how it drove! It was comfortable and smooth, and the handling balance was amazing. But …
I like that movie!
In truth, CNN only seems to lean left because so much of the US media leans so far to the right. In reality it is closer to center right than actually left. FOX in the meantime has become nothing but the GOPs propaganda outlet. The former vice president of FOX is the White House communications director, and Hannity…
You bring your wingman home with you?
One of the main purposes of the Trans-Pacific Partenership was to act as a check on Chinas expansionist economic agenda. But Trump quickly put a stop to that. Trumps idiotic trade war is cutting the US off from our allies and expanding the influence of China everywhere. Trump is not being “unyielding” to China - he is…
This is utter nonsense. Trump is your basic right wing totalitarian. Right wing politics is not by definition “pro-business” or “pro-trade”, and the US right wing has never been fiscally conservative - although they sure pretend to be whenever it helps them undermine the US social safety net.
My dad had one! We bought it in Kansas City. It was a tan woody wagon with an Aspen grille and Aspen markings down the left side, and a Volare tailgate and Volare right side markings. As a 3rd grader I loved that car and was sure it was the only one in existence anywhere!!
More young reckless singles buy two door gulfs, which drives up their likelihood to be in accidents or need expensive repairs...
Why would you pay 15-20K for a college car? For 5K or less you should be able to find a solid runner that will last you 4 years with ease. And the whole cost of owning the car will be less than the depreciation alone on something more expensive. Cars are the most reliable between 80-120K, and any modern car will last…
My cat Eddie Die Fledermaus approves this message!
THIS is the correct answer! Thanks to our tax structure since Reagan, inherited wealth (capital) is taxed less and therefor worth more than money earned through labor. Adam Smith himself wrote that to endure, a capitalist economy would need a near 100% inheritance tax - otherwise a handful of families would…
Utter bullcrap!
Your opinion itself is an insult to anyone with a conscience who can read and think for themselves. Now remember, its down the road not across the street - do what you know is right.