
Just another $2500, and we can go in the Champagne room, where my manager cant see what we’re doing

Nobody’s going to argue with you on how to pronounce “Aston”, though. That’s worth the difference right there.

Yeah, but I think Aston’s look so much better...

I feel kind of vindicated with all the Stealth love here on Jalopnik... I’m used to people making fun of me for loving that weird car..

1993 Dodge Stealth (stop laughing)

Top 15 cars that somehow all have the Camry Dent

On the street, the old saying is wrong.

This just prove that for many persons, cars are just basic appliances.

The old 5.0 was a 4.5ish second 0-60 car, and almost a 10 second 0-100 car.

This is good Kinja.

But you drive a Beetle, Jason. Your perspective of “plenty” of power is a bit skewed.

Criminals have plenty of guns here, it’s only the law abiding citizens who have to jump through hoops to get one and then are forbidden from carrying them.

D.B. Pooper

Thats before Trump, now whatever he says, they automatically attack. He could cure cancer, and the media would say how awful trump is for destroying healthcare jobs.

Fake post. Sad!

Headlights have changed too. The old ones would taper up: