

Doesn't matter what you think. There is no more
Cosby legacy. His career is over. He's the most hated man in America.
That's what matters. It's over for you, Craig.

Nothing you say matters anymore. Cosby's finished and so are you.

Irrelevant to anything. Just like your opinion. Just like your defense of a serial rapist. Cosby's reputation, legacy, and career are over. He's done, and so are you. You failed.

Nothing you say matters. Cosby is finished, and you failed. It's over for him, and you. Bye.

How come? Because it's irrelevant to the fact that these women were raped and molested. Because you parrot this on every story like the dutiful, creepy, idiotic stooge you are. Because your opinion means zilch in the light of the fact that Cosby is finished, and so are you.

Once you start quoting Alexander Baron, who is a certifiably insane person that speaks at holocaust denier's conferences in Iran, you lose all credibility.

Panty Sniffler: "blah blah blah (mmm, sniiiiiiffff those panties, sniff) blah blah bluh bluh…."

Snifferino: "blah blah bluh bluh blah (sniiiiiiffff those panties, sniff) blah blah bluh bluh…."

Sir Sniffer of Panties: "blah blah bluh bluh (sniiiiiiiiffff sniff) blah blah blah bluh bluh bluh, blah…."

Big Snifffff: "blah blah bluh blah blah (snnnnnniiiiff sniff) blah blah bluhg bluh blah…."

Admiral Von Sniffenheimer: "blah blah, (he sniffs more panties, biiiig whiff), repeat, vomit up more blah blah, (sniffy sniff) blah blah, repeat, blah bluh blahbuh………"

Sniffy Mcsniffster: "blah blah, (sniffing panties, big whiff), repeat, vomit more blah blah, (sniffy sniff) blah blah, repeat, blah bluh blah………"

Sniff: "blah blah blah, repeat, blah blah, repeat, blah blah………"

BAAAAAHAHAHHAAAAAHAHAHAHHAAAAAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok I can't even stand up after reading that you actually expect ANYONE to believe that you are "experienced" and can offer "counselling services" to ANYONE!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHAAAAHAHAHHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh, can't

Kaya has more inteliigence in her pinky finger than this panty-sniffing weirdo. Not to mention that even if these gals have bi-polar, this doesn't exempt them from being raped, nor from telling the truth when they are. What a maroon this Sniffy is.

"I have a friend who works there".

OMG Charlotte, I just shot water out my nose!! BAHAHA! "Sniff". Perfect.

cappadocius, can you provide proof of that statement that the LAPD dismissed Chloe Goins' case?