It really is solid. Since Rabin left there hasn't been a lot of Wu love round these parts.
It really is solid. Since Rabin left there hasn't been a lot of Wu love round these parts.
The design of the wolves in this reminded me of the children's book Lon Po Po. If you're not familiar with it, google it - it's terrifying. I think that it works in the film's favor that the wolves are more expressionist in their appearance - they aren't just a pack of wolves, they're death incarnate.
It's one thing that I like about seeing Wu Tang live - they all join in on the last syllable of almost every line, and occasionally they rap entire verses together.
The Dr. Seuss's of Rap.
I think it's fairly clear now that it's all tongue in cheek, and that helps it for me. It's insanely listenable, and even the deep cuts really rock. Slow Ride, Rhymin and Stealin, Hold It Now, Hit It - all great and seminal pieces of hip hop. And Paul Revere needs no apologies - it is amazing.
That's one of the greatest rap lyrics ever. In fact, there are about a million one-liners on this albums that are instantly quotable.
Agreed, but to echo the sentiments here, you could just about pick one at random and not be wrong. That being said, I think that Shadrach is maybe the best song ever.
Hello Nasty is their most diverse album musically, coming after two very diverse albums, and I think it gets ignored for that reason, but compared to Ill Communication and Check Your Head (which are great), I think it's the most cohesive of their more experimental albums. And it's just so funky.
And it isn't a song that makes you feel bad for not being homeless. It's more like "hey, check out this crazy awesome guy.."
Yeah it definitely has the quality of a Criterion release. I wish I still had mine. Maybe it will get a Blu-Ray release now.
I don't even know. Grizzled isn't as common amongst Japanese leading men as it once was. Maybe the guy from Fearless?
It isn't Criterion, but the DVD set that exists is really good.
All five were directed by Fukasaku, all five are great.
This is two great Japanese leading men in a very short time. He and Fukasaku made quite a few great films together, but BWHOH is one of the landmark achievements in cinema history, and he's a big part of that. RIP
Here I am. Very sad indeed.
You would know!
There was a time in my life when all of my CDs were ones that my friend burned from me of playlists that I gave to him and I owned almost no complete albums. Except Wisconsin Death Trip, which I actually owned somehow. Meaning it was probably my first album. Huh. Never thought about it till now, but thanks for…
It's also got a great misdirection intro. That's just brilliant.
They did some incidental music for the series too right? Or the title music or something like that? Even if their involvement with the franchise ends with that bonus feature on the ROTJ DVD, that's a more positive influence on the world than any other nu-metal band. RIP
Okay, and that…