
I thought the “Cookie Monster” was replaced by the “Veggie Monster”?

We are starting to learn more about healthy eating every day. After seeing my parents go through strokes, heart failure and other complications, I thought it would be better to eat smarter than what I was accustomed to. If you ever visit a senior care center, you would not relish in being placed there especially if

Sous vide chicken breasts and then just put a brown on them in a pan for literally two minutes with some olive oil. You can season them anyway you like before the sous vide or after. They come out super juicy and tender. I’m doing some right now 148 degrees for 3 hours. Pork chops are really good also!

McConnell and his GOP brothers remind me of Albert Speer. They really don’t believe in Trump or his ideas but as long as it benefits them they won’t say a word until the walls come tumbling down and then they will confess their regret for not stopping this monster and deny their culpability!

All it would take is one or possibly two people to start chanting “Sieg Heil” and I’m sure the whole crowd would join in! That would keep this whole Trump mess in a historic perspective.

It’s no wonder people have diabetes, heart attacks and other diseases that food contributed to. When I was a kid my mom put Twinkies or something like that in my lunch, plus bologna with processed cheese, Miracle Whip and on white bread. There was always potato chips and sugary cereal to be had, plus Doritos and items

As a public servant you need to leave that stuff at home. The phrase “The pursuit of Happiness” has been corrupted in modern times. Justice Kennedy said,

We’ve had national healthcare for years! I always had healthcare provided by my employer/union and when health insurance companies and for-profit hospital companies saw the money that Medicare and Medicaid thats when costs went thru the roof. Healthcare Insurance rakes 20% right of the top. Thats 20% we’re getting

I say leave him in there! Trump and Blago can have an “Apprentice” reunion! “Vote Blue, No Matter Who”!

The GOP has been racist since Nixon saw what Goldwater did to draw votes from the Democratic (at that time) Southern states. Using code words like “law and order” to wink at their newly acquired bigots! “Vote Blue! No Matter Who!”

My new mantra, “Vote Blue, No Matter Who”!

Vote Blue, No Matter who!

Maybe he was talking about a couple of his wives? He like women born in another country.

It’s too easy and used too much but it really belongs here, he is like Hitler and his kind!

If the economy is so great, why does the Fed need to cut rates? I’ve seen the Schiller P/E Index and it shows stocks are way over valued, combined with company warnings of reduced profits. I’d rather not see a rate decrease you don’t want to use your bullets unless you really need them and the rates now are

Maybe Trump is trying to get rid of Melania? Maybe she’ll be deported for lying on her “Genius” visa.

I believe it’s time to break that rule and have psychiatrists declare him legally insane! He’s full blown batshit crazy! Plus inept, insecure and incompetent!