
Let me offer the perspective of someone who went there two years ago, about a week after the first article was published, in the effort to buy his grey 16v scirocco:

I called him wednesday that week to ask if he still had it. he said he did. we negotiated a price of $800 and i told him I would be there between 1-2pm on

Ron, I’ve said this before, and I’m saying it again- You deserve no slack or sympathy. You hoarded these cars with no realistic plan to ever have them on the road. People came and asked you to sell them, and you laughed at them and sent them on their way. You gloated over all the “rare”, “Worth something”, “Perfectly

“The cheapest one I scrapped [yesterday] was a $1,500 car. Everything else was $3,000 or more”

I have my doubts when he says a car is “runnable” or in “driveable condition”.

We’ve been through this before. None of his cars are “worth” even close to what he says they’re worth. If he’d rather scrap his “$3000-$4000 cars” rather than sell them to people who want to buy them for fair prices, i.e., NOT $3000-$4000, then so be it. Being a stubborn SOB comes with a price, this is his.

I have a 2004 travel trailer and the interior is floral EVERYTHING, shiny brass handles, golden oak, mirrored doors, fake “crystal” light fixtures - you name the interior desecration, it’s got it. From 2004! LONG after these finishes were banished and being torn out from homes. The RV business moves slow.

Why not campervans?

Damn. I thought you were going to bag on the interiors, which are also brutally ugly. I think part of why the tiny house movement has gained popularity is that the interiors are often a serious improvement upon the standard RV. My husband and I are seriously considering a tiny house in our retirement years. I’m not

Good thing this didn’t happen to Nissan. They’d have to recall 100% of the Titans they sold this year. 

I’m with you, David. I love the old truck, but I’d rather spend $12k on a “solid” example instead of $40k for a “mint” example. Because unless you continue to keep it in a climate-controlled garage without running up the mileage, you’re going to end up with a $12k “solid” old truck in a few years. 

I used to think Fiero based Ferrari knockoffs were cool... when I was 9 years old.

Britain is missing most its Victoria era cast iron railings for this reason: if you walk around, plenty of places like parks have low stone walls were you can see the stumps of the bars still embedded or its been capped with a bit of crappy cement.

That was my initial thought too. Learned different when we were sent home. Then walked home looking in the sky worried I would see another airliner coming down.

You know, in most parts of the US if you park your car on someone else’s property without permission, you can’t just get it back. The landowner can make you pay a fee and lien your car. Happened to some shmucks who decided it was a good idea to go mudding on someone else’s land. Got stuck and came back the next day to

Joule thief!

“Wow, amazing. NONE of the Citroen trucks lasted more than 3,000 miles and they all failed catastrophically! Congrats on the sabotage.”

Toyota is the only one doing luxury correctly....

I’m holding my enthusiasm until I get the sincere, unpaid opinions of Chevrolet’s Real People.

A lot of them got exported to Russia, the caucus states and developed-ish countries in Africa. The ride height and Toyota drivetrain bits make them appealing to consumers who want a bit of luxury but have to deal with trash roads and trash fuel.

Bwahahaha.....civil war.