
My 5.7 6 speed will legitimately run 30+ highway up here in Colorado. 

Just once I’d like to see him driving a Blower Bentley like he ought to.

I don’t know, man. Coffee usually kicks my system into gear. 

I bet you could re-release the Aztec today with largely the same design (add some sharp edges and blocks here and there, it is 2019, after all) and it would probably sell like hotcakes. It seems its ugly mug was merely foreshadowing what would almost be the norm over a decade later.

Ding ding ding. Also count me in. I don’t shop purely on price... but just about. Straight up if someone said, will you sit in a 28" x 17" seat for a 10% savings?  I’d say, yep as long the person next to me stays out of my 17 inches.

They are actually rather less than that. You couldn’t fly coach for what a First Class tickets costs today, and the really cheap tickets you can get today might as well be free. Back in the day, due to regulation all the seats between two places were the same price, even if multiple airlines flew the route, with rare

Theees plan iz clearly day-fect-eev, i suggest you ray-tern it to the man-U-fect-ur at Wans! There iz no sharj for my deescover-eee of the prob-lem.

i thought it would be simple, but you are right, it’s not easy to type that accent.

“Civilian fly-along ruins fun for all other civilian fly-alongs”

This is why I hate it when animal shelters change the name of the pets they take in.

There’s also the chance they know their names and don’t care, cause cats are assholes and I love all three of my babies.

Methinks you gotta work on the sarcasm detector. Or not. What is this timeline.

What, no love for Lotus, TVR and Marcos?? All proudly English and independent...

I’ve been curiously following the whole Ghosn scandal since it broke. I have no stake or even real opinion, but I kinda can’t look away. I have to admit, though- this sort of makes the whole “Carlos got whacked” theory seem a bit more plausible. Who TF doesn’t know about their OTHER three jet aircraft? 

That’s nothing. Wait until they find they secluded private island lair...

Flowers By Irene.

How did I know that your comment would incite all the Harley lovers to come out and just prove your point so fucking hard?

And Hockey Players

One more mistake the Allies made after WWI was to run off the Habsburgs from power in Central Europe.

I'm pretty sure the back seats are thin fabric over cardboard. My dad has one for work and it is AWFUL.

Subway is having issues because they let anyone with the money open one. I don’t think the corporate owns any locations. When they were first getting going in the 90's it was a family affair, the president was the actual dad of the Family, Mom did product development, etc... The quality was much better. I used to work