
*calls Tesla to order replacement control arm*

Also houses, when the place gets dirty just move, a lot less hassle. 

Chewco Investments, Joint Energy Development Investment (JEDI), Obi-1 Holdings, Kenobe Inc., might be forgetting one or two. 

Moot point, since everything on Wayfair is perpetually out of stock, anyway. I ordered a $30,000 TV stand thought the Great St. Jim Home storefront over a year ago, and it still hasn’t shown up.

Which is basically how we all have to live for the next several years, at least. Thanks covid!

Dave Ramsey’s advice is basically AA for people who can’t handle money. Most of us can have a drink now and then without going to excess, but an alcoholic can’t stop themselves. There are also people out there who simply can’t and won’t stick to a budget and manage their finances, who think simply being approved for a

If the technology existed, you’d have to pass a law redefining murder to exclude consensual teleporter use, and also to define a teleported “clone” as the same legal person as the original person prior to teleportation. EG, there’s only one legal personhood involved, regardless of how many times that person is

The second button from the top is in a good position, I’ll give it that

Which was still better than the one-woman show where she cooked a meal for God and threw chocolate sauce into the audience.

I went to a restaurant over the weekend that forgot to put out silverware, I suppose that would have been an issue, had I not politely asked the waiter for some when he delivered my pre-dinner cocktail. So, I guess, the answer is that if you need something, ask for it like a person instead of passive aggressively

Or refer to her as Her Royal Highness, when she hasn’t been called that in 68 years.

As far as how it wound up in a junkyard, I’m going to guess it was wrecked sometime in the early ‘70s, towed home, and left in a field for several decades because the owner was going to get around to fixing it, then he died and the family just thought it was another smashed up old car.

Nissan reinvigorated it and took it in a fresher direction, but retro styling had been a thing for awhile. The ‘66 Oldsmobile Toronado was intended to be a revival of the 1930s Cord 810/812, the ‘71 Buick Riviera was a callback to the boat tailed sports cars of the interwar period, the 1980 Cadillac Seville was a

I used to work as a nonprofit administrator, and we had this one volunteer who was a total flake, nice enough guy, but scatterbrained and disorganized, and none of the other volunteers ever wanted to do anything with him, so one of my challenges was finding ways to keep him occupied and away from everyone else.

We pretty much knew this all along, or at least suspected it.

The bottom line is that the Chinese are perfectly capable of building excellent quality products, equal to or better than the best in the world, especially for the price. They have a rep for building cheap crap because Western companies that outsource production there do it purely for cheap labor and demand that costs

I think they’re using the term the way Indians use “auntie” 

Social credit applies on social media as well as real life

You mean the lawless island province, run by a gangster regime propped up by the United States, the very existence of which is offensive to all the decent workers and peasants of China?

He wasn’t that committed to it in the end, got married after about a year, and they bought a house in the country, traded it in on a Crosstrek because it was apparently too low for their dirt road.