
Salvage all the unique manual parts to convert another, better ZJ, junk the rest. Seriously, its beyond saving, and I should live so long to see it be worth fixing.

Tammy Faye Bakker was actually a pretty decent person, or at least became one after the divorce.

They make their home - they urinate in there.

Also keeps dirt from collecting on the window, especially handy in places that spray brine in the winter.

Thats not just the trunk lid, it’s the lido deck. Perfect for sunbathing and skeet shooting while under way.

Yeah, but we’re talking about light trucks here, these are for farmers and tradespeople who need the rugged utility. Not like everyone is running around in pickups and 4x4s for everyday office commutes and grocery shopping. That’s why there’s even a whole separate CAFE class.

The cosmetics aren’t terrible, fix the structural rust issues, push out the roof dent, give it a through cleaning and detailing, and a bit of touch up paint, and it could be a decent driver that looks fairly presentable from 10ft. Enjoy it that way, and do a more through restoration when finances permit it years or

That was before Hawaii was part of America, though. American businessmen overthrew the Hawaiian monarchy 5 years before we quasi-legally annexed the country. 

Right, just be polite, professional, and courteous. If a young woman comes into the showroom by herself, just nicely ask her to leave and come back later with her father or, possibly, a policeman with whom you can discuss her needs and finances. 

The Scottish themed Chrysler New Yorker Highlander had them in 1940, and I'm sure there's plenty of examples from earlier coach built luxury cars. 

Reminds me of hauling long PVC pipe lengths in a Grand Marquis. As long as you didn't need the passenger side doors to open, it worked fine. And looked like a really crappy roll cage.

Im with you there, as long as it can be done safely. I've moved lawnmowers, mulch bags, cinder blocks, and three air conditioners in a Camaro (not all on the same trip, the 3 a/cs were, the others were separate errands), but they all fit inside with the back seat down and did not present a hazard to other road users.

The Byzantines called themselves Romans, along with pretty much everyone else. During the era of the Byzantine Empire, up through 1453 (and probably for awhile after it fell), everyone was fully aware that it was the surviving rump state of the Roman Empire. 

Well, it is clearly the most attractive Toyota sedan on sale today, and the best execution yet of their thin horizontal bar grille.

Other jurisdictions already allow it, and it has not been a problem there. All that has already been worked out in practice. 

3800 lbs at the high end, depending on how it was equipped originally.

Maybe English isn’t his first language, so some translation errors are to be expected. But, I don’t think “keep moving” means the same thing as “make it butt ugly” .

Allowed? Sure, go ahead, why not?

And even then, problems can still happen. Puerto Rico has had a state-owned electric utility for decades, and they went into a major hurricane with a dilapidated network practically pieced together with duct tape and spit.

I believe Bond’s switch to BMWs coincided with the latter’s acquisition of Rover and battle with Volkswagen over control of Rolls-Royce. Always thought it was partially an effort by BMW to try and wrap themselves with the Union flag and emphasize that they were now a major part of the British auto industry.