
Cars have less glass area than they used to, and in a lot of new ones, all you see out the back is the sky, because the rear windscreen is now effectively a second sunroof. 

Used car dealers still list all of those as features in their ads. 

This. If Americans were self aware about their weight problem, the obesity epidemic would gradually solve itself. 

Using the 911 as a family car is like pounding in a nail with the handle of a screwdriver. Sure, you can make it work if you absolutely have to, but that doesn't mean your screwdriver has become a hammer. 

I see lots of color in there, someone used MS Paint to draw colored hash marks all over that black and white photo.

I don’t think the 25 year rule applies here, Phoenix put these through all required crash tests to get them certified for sale as a new vehicle back in 2007.

That’s pretty much my life’s motto.

Honestly, I love seeing things like that. There’s a real satisfaction in seeing professionals doing their jobs as well as they know how and producing a quality product. There’s a real pride in craftsmanship in buildings like the Empire State or Rockefeller Square that’s really inspiring, they weren’t made to just

I’m pretty sure lots of other manufacturers come out with new cars on new platforms all the time and also send early production examples to journalists, without anywhere near this trouble. You never hear of anything like this happening with a new Lexus. Even BMW and Mercedes-Benz will typically behave themselves at

Not only that, but life expectancy used to be like 25 in really primitive times, there was a reason for that, people were killed by nature all the damn time. 

I remember that. That’s why, when other students in 2nd period started whispering about a plane hitting the World Trade Center, I wondered what the big deal was, since I assumed it would naturally be another little single engine job like the one that hit the White House. First instincts are often very wrong.

Well, that was rugged prewar construction for you - overbuilt steel cage frame faced in thick limestone. Cost prohibitive today, but makes for one tough building.

Oof, that’s a low comparison, but probably accurate. I borrowed a friend’s Beretta once, one of the worst driving experiences of my life. And I took driver’s ed in a K-car.

Whatever it is, our tax dollars are only paying for about 80% of it, the rest is borrowed. 

Yeah, it was definitely more of a midsize/intermediate car.

This is true, particularly if it's a mom and pop type business, I'm asking permission first. Airports are fair game though

I get that at gas stations and Walmart parking lots, a lot. I mean like a LOT, there must be something about me that makes me look like an easy mark or something. 

There’s a difference between using an outlet that’s out in the open in a place of public accommodation and one that’s attached to someone’s private residence. The homeowner didn’t invite these people onto his property, they had no reason to think they were entitled to use anything on it, outlets included. 

You can tell Tesla is starting to mature as an automaker, because Elon Musk no longer feels the compulsion to issue a frantic and defensive press release every time someone does something dumb with one of their cars.

My family had a Caprice Classic Brougham when I was a kid with a busted passenger side taillight from my grandmother backing into something. For the entire time we had it, my dad never got it fixed. Whenever the red tape started peeling, he would just add another layer. It was thicker than plastic, and probably almost