
Alldays & Onions works though.

All of them, I've never tolerated anything damaged or broken on any of my cars. Leaky gaskets get replaced, dents get popped out, faulty sensors get changed, etc. Little things add up, you don't fix them as they occur, one day you suddenly realize you're driving a hoopty. 

We have a different concept of gigantic, the MSC Opera is like half the size of the typical modern cruise ship, almost intimate, really.

I mean, couldn’t they have just added those features to an XM, without altering the body, slapped a new badge on the back, and called it a day?

30 years from now, we're going to look back on this sort of business the same way we do the '80s designer jean craze. 

Well, those apartments are probably a lot nicer inside today than they were back then. Its just that Brutalist architecture in general tends to have trouble aging well, it can look OK when the concrete is fresh and new, but then it gets dirty and darkens with age and starts looking dingy and run down. And the Soviets

I’m surprised he couldn’t find anyone to tow it. Is it because it isn’t registered to him, or something? That really shouldn’t matter.

Well, some countries had to run ads telling people not to eat avian feces during the bird flu epidemic. 

They didn't rely on them to carry the entire show, though. A relatively small number of actors in a series that was 90+% in English, and you could count on one hand the amount of Russian words the main characters spoke the entire time. 

The Soviet Union doesn't though. Ukraine was a federal member republic in the USSR, not a sovereign nation. Although, they did still have a seat in the UN, thanks to Stalin's machinations during WWII that left the Soviet Union as the only country with more than one vote in the General Assembly. 

That was theoretical, you bought what car came available first. If you wanted a Lada, but a ZAZ was only a two year waiting list instead of four, that’s what you bought.

The government owned the tobacco companies, would they really want to discourage sales of their own product?

I can honestly say that if this was for sale closer to me, I’d take it home this weekend.

Is it just me, or did almost every one of her recipes start with melting like 4 sticks of butter? And she drank wine like a fish drinks water, lived to 91 and was working almost to the end.

My understanding was that Moskvitch was what you got if you wanted better than a ZAZ, but didn’t want to stay on the wait list for a Lada.

That’s probably more sloppiness on the part of the person creating the ad posting. There’s sites that don’t even have transmission type as a mandatory field, so if you filter by manual, some manual cars will get dropped from the results just because that dropdown wasn't clicked. 

They wouldn’t have all spoke Russian with the same accent, either, given that the USSR was such a massive, multi ethnic country. Beria and Stalin were Georgian, Mikoyan was Armenian, Kaganovich, Voroshilov, and Moskalenko were all from Ukraine, and even among the Russians you’d have had differences, based on class,

The British would probably be better acquainted with that process than most other countries. 

I believe "Soviet Mercedes" was actually a common nickname for Volgas back in the day. 

Personally, I like that they’re not faking Russian accents, since it usually comes across as cartoonist. I suppose Russian actors would have been a good idea, but, then you have to find enough that can speak English well enough to really pull off all the parts.