
Was the Hyundai Motor America call from 732?

I’m from a place with really cheap real estate, and it seems like a steal to me, too. I mean, it’s in Newport for crying out loud.

Important question: Who wants this?

Yep. I have a Jewish friend who’s son went to Kuwait as part of an internship, his wife was absolutely insistent that he not go anywhere where someone could see him naked (a gym locker room I guess?). The fact that lots of people who aren’t Jewish are circumcised apparently didn’t occur to her, she was just terrified

Or, entering a “Win This Car” contest and  asking the booth babe if she comes with the car. 

Well, yes, but she also works in a customer facing role in a service industry. So do I, it sucks sometimes when you have to stay in the office 2 hours past closing after the rest of the staff is gone because a customer walked in 5 minutes before the end of the day with a complicated problem, but you don’t take it out

Back when you didn’t have to sit bolt upright like a bar stool, so small cars could have proportionally low rooflines instead of looking like wheeled phone booths. 

Based on the guy’s attitude, I’m going to assume his usual driving behaviors on the way to work were part of what pushed the council to install speed bumps in the first place. 

The council is disputing that they are 6 inches, and have claimed that the bumps are, in fact, about 3 inches. 

Or used it for a downpayment on a new Passat. 

Strength Through Joy was a massive organization run by the German Labor Front (the group that the Nazis forced all labor unions in Germany to merge into and which was itself controlled by the party). They ran resort hotels, campgrounds, youth summer camps, community rec centers, swimming pools, cruise ships, etc. The

Leno is careful with his money, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t mind spending it when he wants to.

With the longest and most comprehensive extended warranty package available. 

Its much more than that, the Longchamp's interior is way nicer than the Merc. 

So that’s where all of Fred Moffatt’s tickets came from, I had always thought they were supposed to be from malparking.

Hasn’t this always been a thing? That’s why there’s a motorized divider behind the front seat. 

They should offer to deliver to McDonald’s customers waiting in their 30 minute drive thru lines. 

Of course they do, they have to have someplace to lock up the people who put leaded gas in unleaded tanks, get in too many bad moods, or acquire companies and lay off all their employees. 

No doubt, Philly suburbs are full of them, too. But, smaller towns and rural areas, zilch. Of course, the fact that Tesla can’t legally sell here might have a bit to do with it, too. 

And then you come to a place like where I live, back east, and you could probably count the number of EVs in my ZIP code on one hand. I know there's none in my neighborhood, and people still take notice of a Tesla in traffic, because they're such a rare sight. And they usually have out of state plates.